Warum fließt der Strom aus der PV-Anlage in das Stromnetz?


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Warum fließt der Strom aus der PV-Anlage in das Stromnetz?

Kann mir da jemand eine physikalische Antwort drauf geben. Hat das was mit der Spannung zu tun. Am besten mit Zeichnung und Formeln sowie Berechnungen.



Peter Gebing

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1 year ago

To say that is not quite right.

If the energy obtained from a PV system is to flow into the network, several boundary conditions must be met:

  • The PV system is galvanically connected to the grid
  • The network delivers a network frequency of 50 Hz so that the inverter can synchronize into the network frequency
  • The current power of the PV system is greater than the locally required power
  • The voltage generated by the inverter is slightly above the mains voltage

Only then is a network feed, the part of the energy that is not required locally.

1 year ago
Reply to  PeterGebing

A sensible arrangement of the individual components would be:

  • PV module
  • Battery charger
  • Battery
  • Inverters
  • Household net
  • Count of the network operator

It makes sense to charge the battery directly at the DC level, which saves conversion losses.

You can set the desired charging current when a specific charging voltage is present at the charging controller.

What is not recorded by the battery is converted by the inverter into 230 V AC voltage and made available to the home network.

What is not required in the home network is fed into the network of the network operator.

The power of the PV modules is not constant, which depends on several factors:

  • Place of the Sunset
  • Height of the Sunset
  • possible partial shading of the PV modules
  • Temperature at the PV modules
  • Season / daytime
1 year ago

Because in physics everything always seeks compensation, on one side electron deficiency and the other an excess (through the PV power generation) therefore flows the “power”, since, for example, in the copper cable the copper tends to release many electrons or to “transport” there is the excess of the deficiency. And if you turn on a consumer now, for example, it increases the lack and this will try to balance.

I don’t know what formula you want now.

Voltage? Strength? Lot? Speed? Difference? there are many values such as PV output, demand, power level, etc.

1 year ago

The physical foundations have already been described.

If a battery memory is added, a further control circuit is created. It is measured at the network limit, which occurs there and the “production” of the battery store is correspondingly carried out.

Since this takes at least a short moment, a short reference or (in the night) will even be visible on the counter.

1 year ago
Reply to  PeterGebing

Finally, the complete control process for the battery store can be derived from the measurement at the network limit.

During the charging process, the battery store is a consumer in the home network like any other device. With the difference that the load is variable and thus the excess of a PV can be absorbed relatively exactly.

During the unloading process, the battery store behaves like another inverter, see physical principles. With the difference that it generates just as much power to produce a balance at the network boundary.

Whether the memory is charging, it can in principle decide in the context of the settings made in the software itself. Whether it only absorbs surplus from the PV, is loaded from the network or just waits (maintenance charge).