Warum finde ich Passivrauchen bei natürlichem Tabak aus dem Garten ohne Zusätze angenehmer?
Meine Großeltern bauen selbst Tabak an und ich habe festgestellt, dass deren Zigaretten mehr qualmen und der Rauch dichter ist, so richtig schön weiß.
Aber ich finde es dennoch angenehm, danebenzusitzen, selbst wenn kurz alles zu mir zieht und es so intensiv ist,
während ich mich bei so (manchen) industriellen selbst bei kleinen Rauchschwaden umdrehe, wenn die jemand raucht
There are countless cigarette brands selling tobacco without additives. The worst harmful substances are produced during combustion anyway. Teer, for example, is not added artificially, but arises in the combustion, which is also in the tobacco of your grandparents. The fact that the smoke is so thick and smells differently is most likely that the tobacco was not completely dried during consumption.
Yes, it’s not so dry!
but better I find:)
Because you can’t compare it. In cigarettes the drop is actually, except that it is treated.
Why can’t you compare it?
So for cigarettes you take the rests. West Virginia Blend used to be. So West Virginia mix. The mixture is additionally processed and a bunch of substances are added. Then the paper has an aroma. Cigars are not wrapped in cover sheets for free. This is simply a consumer product and self-grown tobacco is what for connoisseurs and connoisseurs. It is not that only the leaves have to be dried. There must be a certain humidity so that fermentation processes can occur. Then not every tobacco is the same. There is for cover sheet and filling. The art consists of finding the right and producing it evenly. Handcrafted.
Because that’s not all the poisons in it
Where smoke always contains poisons. These arise mainly in the combustion process itself. No matter what’s burned.
in industrial cigarettes are x different substances in straight tar has a smell that is not unpleasant for smokers. And next to what you have for cool grandma and grandpa.
tar is produced in the combustion of tobacco and is not artificially added. It is therefore completely natural and also contained in self-contained tobacco. Just like many other pollutants.