Warum fehlen meiner Grafikkarte zwei Chips?
Ich Versuche gerade eine Msi GTX 1080 Gaming X Grafikkarte zu reparieren und möchte zwei Chips ersetzen. Ich habe die Karte für 50€ ersteigert. Laut Vorbesitzer hat die GPU nach einem System Backup von einem Tag auf den anderen kein Bild mehr gezeigt. Ich habe sie aufgeschraubt und sofort gesehen das zwei Chips fehlen ?! Hat jemand vielleicht mehr Ahnung als ich und kann mir sagen ob das so richtig ist und eventuell ein Zusammenhang besteht ?
Zu dem hier finde ich nichts im Internet, wäre super wenn auch da jemand fündig wird.
that is a missing voltage phase.
The GTX 1080 should also run without these.
Do you know if there’s a driver chip somewhere to buy? I found the Mosfet on the Internet.
The HF coil is missing.
I don’t know where to get them.
There are also manufacturing differences.
Is the card even recognized?
Well, ventilators turn, LEDs go on and they get warm, but no picture.
Nope is not detected where is the coil missing?
In any case, this is not so planned, as it looks strong that there were chips. In some cards it’s normal that chips are missing, but this doesn’t look like it.
Accordingly, it cannot actually know anyone other than the person who had the card before it was broken should be bought it needed.
That’s normal. Is ne Powerstage and the associated driver that were provided in the reference design but were saved away
Edit: My mistake, that was the 1070 Gaming X. Here the two should be present, were probably removed from someone. So it is possible that the error is
Can you buy the driver chip somewhere? Or a similar one of the same purpose fulfilled?
It’s difficult, it’s a very old card. The Powerstage is ne OnSemi 4C86N, unfortunately I don’t know the driver
Nevertheless, thank you very much.
If you don’t know how well you’re with PCBs, why are you even trying to fix such a card?
For each card there are online blueprints to the boards, as you can see if there really is a component missing or not. Where exactly you find the blueprint on this map, I can’t tell you.
An attempt is worth it, and you can learn a lot about brazing. There are pictures, he’s not missing. Thank you.