Warum fällt S-Bahn aus?
S-Bahn fährt nicht angeblich wegen kein Lokführer ist klar warum stellen die keine Leute an? Ich raste aus ich habe schon 9-Euro-Ticket bezahlt das ist Abzocke.
S-Bahn fährt nicht angeblich wegen kein Lokführer ist klar warum stellen die keine Leute an? Ich raste aus ich habe schon 9-Euro-Ticket bezahlt das ist Abzocke.
Wie findet ihr den neuen Franken-Thüringen-Express mit dem Desiro HC, dem neuen RE29 nach Erfurt, der ab Juni fährt und den Wegfall des RE42 nach Leipzig? Wie findet ihr den neuen Franken-Thüringen-Express?
Hallo liebe Community, Ich habe einen 49 euro deutschlandticket. Ich möchte den aber kündigen. Und den 29 euro Ermäßigungsticket holen. (Heute ist der 03.10) Wenn ich den 49 ticket jetzt bis 10.10. kündige, habe ich den noch diesen ganzen Monat oder wird er gleich gekündigt? Weil ich weiß nicht für welchen Monat ich den 29…
Auf dem Bild ( siehe Bild 😂) sind man vor dieser Bahn ja ein gelbes Licht und kurz bevor der Zug dann wirklich in den Bahnhof einfahrt leuchtet dann ( meistens) ein grünes Licht auf. Ist mir schon bei GKB und ÖBB aufgefallen. Wovon hängt das jetzt ab?
gibt es eigtl da im Zug Ausweis/Dokumente Kontrolle oder ähnliches, wie z.b beim Autofahren durch den Grenzen ? bitte schreibt mir jemand der Erfahrung damit hat, danke!
Ich will diesen ticket kaufen und muss in Köln umsteigen, was passiert, wenn der erste Zug sich verspätet und ich den zweiten nicht bekommen kann, muss ich dann ein neues ticket kaufen
The problem is that there are little staff and are not applying. A relative of me drives tram and they don’t have it easy. Now he has two options: when the friend is called, he sometimes lets him go with pure, but then the one at the next stop he is not on time. Possibility two would not let him in and forced the doors. But then it means why you didn’t take him. It’s negative or negative. I don’t think it’s different for bus drivers and drivers. What’s more, this is a train in Germany that has the reputation of infinity. The shiftwork doesn’t make it better.
Why not be hired because nobody is applying. Try it yourself as TF. The job is not easy.
9 EUR is not much. With me in the VRS, a ride with the S-Bahn costs 3 EUR to 4 EUR. That means once and again maybe two depending on how much it usually costs and you have it back in. If I were to go to school every day, the normal 120 EUR 3 per trip would be back and forth 5 but with the 9 EUR ticket only 45 ct per trip back and forth 90 ct. If I use it in leisure time, it is even less. That’s not a jerk, it’s a discount of just 7.5% of the normal price. This is a bargain.
Even worse if these people are fighting and people with a ticket to work can’t.
So, unharmedness
It’s simple:
All railway companies have massive personnel problems in the area of locomotives, and the bus operations in the ÖPNV are even worse.
They don’t hire people because you can’t pay anyone from $9.
Apart from that, vacation time and many people are sick.
On the other hand, a lot of people don’t want to do the job.
Because if you had taken too little, why does that come directly from
Oliver Wolff, head of the Association of German Transport Companies
https://www.zdf.de/messages/business/9-euro-ticket follower-transport-100.html
Holiday/sick is unfortunately, because too little staff buffer is there, a real problem.
That’s why I’m driving. If the driver fails, I don’t have to go anywhere.
Then take the next one.
Everywhere people fall out for illness.
So many can’t adjust to them quickly.
In Forchheimer Hospital, for example, no children are released on weekends due to lack of staff.
What’s that supposed to do with Abzocke? Normally you pay 9 euros per trip!
At 9 euros per month, this is certainly not a jerk.
But if you bought it and don’t drive the S-Bahn
If she doesn’t come, certainly not. With one to two driving a month, you already have the money out.
Well, I wanted to do the cross-release training and wasn’t even invited. Abitur, merchant, driving license since ’96. Of course I could have. I don’t know what they’re going.
Recruitment is big problem
Technical training at least Drivers
Then they shouldn’t just write “primary school graduation”… well, it was about retraining, not direct adjustment as such.
I know, too.
As a cross starter you need a technical training we were
None of them had to do with mechanical structures regularly.
And main pupils are perfect for initial training up to the age. Whoever has Abi is absolutely wrong.
They don’t hire people because there are no people who want to do this
I think trains are costing. 9 euros and the state is little and therefore send fewer trains out
Absolutely not they got more than thought into it. Little cattle suck. Perfect here.
That’s why this is exactly what you think has taken too little. Wouldn’t that be a suggestion?
https://www.zdf.de/messages/business/9-euro-ticket follower-transport-100.html
These are so-called fake news. The railway gets the missing costs reimbursed, subsidies flow.
The jobs are not attractive. Unless you’re a steel wheel fan.
What’s wrong?
I don’t need an apprentice job. Then the people from the Job Center are supposed to set the look for work
So, have you looked at your questions and have to fix that you’re just rolling.
Here you write that you study.
But get Harz4.
If you were really studying, you would
1. In which sentences can be the correct point and communication.
Two. No resin4, but BAföG.
And since you don’t get a BAföG, you can also apply as a driver at the train.
Because then you will also determine which the appropriate path traffic signs and light signals are on the curriculum.
This is not only levers to push forward and activate mortal switch.
Personally, if I see your questions and comments, you say that you are not smart enough for this profession.
Lokführer is not a learning job.
No train has come on time from people who have studied, so do something meaningful with your life except to mecker.
For someone trying to study, you have very little idea. Probably you don’t even have a driver’s license, you can take a seizure and you can turn on the wheel well, especially the latter.
Joy Stick operate and death man switches operate everything clear
A dungeon costs 6 EUR, but 9 EUR for a month of railing are offshore? You’re really weird. Ever heard the keyword labour shortage?
Colleague what that drives me train can actually get rid of German train Lokführer never arrive on time
Unfortunately, the comment is completely incomprehensible to me.
As he writes, he could be one of those who make the passages. And because the locomotive doesn’t understand, he doesn’t find his train in time.
you will be in touch with the
unless you didn’t learn it. or
isn’t a job Knüppel to move forward and killmann’s switch
Well, you have a “perfect” idea what a locomotive has to do.
You can automate?
well, let yourself and let’s go, what ne training.
Exactly, we all count on such wise and qualified forces.