Warum fällt mein Urlaub aus?
Ich habe bie FTI gebucht, aber die sind jetzt pleite. Aber ich habe ja einen Vertrag. Die können den duch nicht einfach brechen. Wenn ich mein Geld nicht wieder bekomme ziehe vor Gericht!!!
Aber ich verstehe immer noch was die davon haben wenn die alle reisen absagen. So verdient auch kein Geld und der Sinn von einer Insolvenz ist durch das Unternehmen zu retten. Aber wie soll das gehen wenn alle Kunden storniert wird?
Insolvency means that this company nothing can pay. For example, the airline with which your trip is booked cannot transfer the ticket price. And you can’t transfer the accommodation costs to the hotel.
Why would the airline let you in the plane when nobody pays for the flight? Why would the hotel let you in the hotel room if nobody paid for the night?
There is no cancellation with cash repayment. The company has no more money, so it is non-payment!
The money you gave for the trip has long been gone by FTI. That paid some old bills.
This will also be done by the creditors, i.e. the persons and companies to whom FTI still owes money. And then the insolvency proceedings are, for example, to achieve a debt cut with as many creditors as possible. So either accept a lot less money and write down the rest of the receivables as a loss, or insist on the receivables and hope that FTI will have enough money back at some point to fully settle the debt… to the danger that FTI will simply stop to exist and you will never see anything of the money again. Let alone the expenses for the trial.
Fortunately, in Germany, we have consumer protection laws that protect you as Otto normal citizens from the fact that in such a case the travel price is simply gone.
Such a travel company must conclude an insurance that private customers can get their money back when the travel company goes broke. That’s why you got a travel security certificate. Speak, the insurance case is now in place, but you do not receive the travel price from FTI but from their insurance.
It’s due to insolvency.
Yes, they can. For insolvency
And what do you promise?
That someone apologizes to you?
Think they’re insolvent. Pleite! they have no more money! DIe can’t give you anything, even if they wanted
Since “have” they have nothing of it, and that is not their decision, but it is because they are insolvenz. You’re not doing the holiday at FTI, but they just broke you. The holiday is with the airline and the hotel and whatever else you have booked. But they don’t get money because FTI has no more money.
Would you, if you were a hotel, let someone live with you for free?
There’s nothing left to save the company.
Now it’s just about everything being managed and handled, that everything that could bring some money and then it’s finished, then there’s no longer what’s not a pity.
Look, here you will find a lot of information on the impact of insolvency on your trip and what you can do /: https://www.fti-group.com/en/insolvenz
Insolvency is first of all about minimising the further costs incurred, because insolvency means that there is no more enough money to settle costs already incurred. So if the hotels and flights that have already been used by travellers can no longer be paid, then it is an important step that FTI does not send any other travellers in flights and hotels that the company can not pay for the implementation. Therefore, the cancellations and cancellations.
Yeah, he’s not gonna be met.
Yes, in that case.
Save it. You’ve got the ticket. But it’ll be safe until you have the money.
The sense of insolvency is not necessarily to save the company! It means that the company is insolvent! Pulling in court would mean that you have more costs “on the back”. You will get your money back; can take months! Wait and let you know how it goes!
If it’s a package trip, you’ll get the money from their insurance.
If they don’t have any more money, they can’t pay the ticket for you or the hotel.
This is the problem when a company is insolvent.
You can only hope you have booked a package trip and the travel price is guaranteed.
If you book a package trip, you will get your money back.