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2 months ago

It was necessary to look, on the one hand, because of the elasticity of the large vessels, namely the aorta.

The so-called wind boiler effect also contributes to this.

In physiology, wind boiler function is the property of elastic arteries, in particular of the aorta, to convert the blood stream pulsating by the rhythmic contractions of the heart into a uniform volume flow. DocCheck magazinefocus/der-mensch-so-jung-wie-seine-gefaesse.html

2 months ago
Reply to  Himbeere722

Atherosclerosis and KHK fits every case, with the atherosclerosis leading to a KHK.

Atherosclerosis causes the inner diameter of the cardiac vessels to become small, resulting in poorer blood/oxygen supply of the heart.

coronary vessels can also develop spasms, i.e. spasms, e.g. happens when taking cocaine
Otherwise, I still find a severe hypertension that can trigger an angina

2 months ago

An angina pectoris is not an independent disease, but a symptom of a disease > KHK. Among the rare causes of an AP are > aortic valve stenosis, aortic valve insufficiency and hypertrophic cardiopathy.

Risks of a KHK include > diabetes, smoking, obesity, hypertension, metabolic disorders, with an increase in LDL cholesterol, lack of movement.

By means of an arteriosclerosis, stenoses and deposits occur in the cardiovascular arteries, such as the Riva > Ramus interventricularis anterior. For high grade stenosis >Stent implantation/Ballon dilatation.

2 months ago

Because the arteries have a muscle layer. The blood pumps against the resistance of the periphery and this muscle layer. And because the blood cannot disappear so quickly in the capillaries, nor the vessels simply expand without pressure, the diastolic pressure on the vessels is maintained.