Why don’t vegetarians eat meat but eat vegetables?
Hello dear community, especially vegetarians and vegans. For the sake of simplicity, I'll stick to one (male) gender in this text, without forgetting or neglecting the many others.
Is it up to each vegan/vegetarian to decide when something has feelings or when something is alive? A key argument for vegetarians is the suffering inflicted on animals for slaughter.
Why does a lettuce, once separated from the root, droop its leaves after a few days? It's certainly not happy about that!
What is life? Trees maintain symbiotic relationships with fungi and thus communicate with other trees. Furthermore, dangers are transmitted as information via pheromones. Plant sap flows like blood, and animals can't talk either.
Thank you.
In fact, I think about it every day. I don’t eat meat, and don’t even kill mosquitoes and ticks, have taken the fish of an angler out of the bucket and thrown back to the sea on holiday. And I am very, very often wondering if it was not really right to eat apples, but to plant every nucleus of apple, of course it is almost impossible, but I often think that if I do not make a difference between animal and human, I would not have to make any difference between animal and plant, I have not yet found any answer to what is right. But I’m working on it.
Thank you for your answer. My sister teaches my 2 year old nephew, for example, that you do not take away everything from nature. For example, it has a fairly large walnut tree. Harvest per year are about 1-11⁄2 wash baskets full of walnuts. But she teaches him that you can always leave some of the tree, so that nature (in the case it is squirrels 😉) can benefit from it. The same also for fruit shrubs (himberry and so, for the birds).
Vegans don’t decide when something is alive. That’s clearly defined. Plants live, they are living creatures.
Plants have no nervous system, so they can not feel any pain. They also don’t have a brain, so they can’t have complex feelings and relationships.
Yes, which, for example, communicate trees with each other is extremely interesting and I am excited to see more about it.
But people who do not make a difference between plants and animals really have a wheel for me.
Thank you for your answer!
I even distinguish different plants. They can be classified for h alone.
So just because a pain sensation is not detected until then, is it okay to consume plants?
And what happens when a nervous system or an art-related system is discovered?
That would have been discovered if plants had something like that.
This has to do with the carbon dioxide, which one breathes when talking to the plant.
Then, for example, room plants should not react to good hands or special sounds.
It is a clear difference whether a plant is eaten or whether a living, feeling animal is killed and eaten. There are also vegetarians who do not eat meat for reasons of animal welfare, but for reasons of reason. Health reasons, world nutrition, climate are good reasons to do without meat
Thank you for your answer. There are differences in vegetarians and vegans due to motivations and explanations of diets, is quite safe, most people are aware.
You have responded to the feeling of an animal (which then lacks plants in your groove dimensioning [I just say sorry if it is a false assumption]). You will give me the right that human knowledge is limited. So who tells you that plants do not feel pain? After all, legends are formed to close wounds U.a.
For the diet of slaughter cattle, there are many plants. As “satisfied” so x times more plants than if you use them directly
the feeling of plants is in no case comparable to the behavior and thinking of animals. Plants have been eaten by animals since the beginning of the time.
animals have also been eaten by humans since the beginning of human history, but today we have good reasons to dramatically reduce meat consumption
But I doubt that this is the case. Biochemical research is too far and not at the end.
This is well explained in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edya6DIcQpw
Because they don’t taste meat.
That was easy.
No, it wasn’t because you only focused on a part of the question.
The reasons for meat consumption are more diverse than just one. Should a community expert but eigtl know mM.
Because the other part takes an uncovered hypothesis as a premise:
Exactly the is not an argument of vegetarians.
Ah – and “don’t touch me” as a reason doesn’t count.
No, but he’s not the only one!
Because a cauliflower has no eyes.
Let him stand long enough and he even talks to you!
… or with a little alohool.
Just in my dreams.
Yes, a vegetarian WILL does not have that cauliflower eyes 😉
You see, where a will is, is often a way.
Because vegetables are vegetarian and meat organic.
Troll your grandmother, please. Both things are carbon-containing and have various nutrient values. Read the whole description!