Warum essen so viele Leute immer noch so viel verarbeitetes Fleisch?

Verarbeitetes Fleisch wurde von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation als Gruppe 1 (Internationale Agentur für Krebsforschung krebserzeugende Einstufungsgruppe), krebserzeugend für den Menschen, eingestuft. Diese Einstufung basiert auf ausreichenden Beweisen aus epidemiologischen Studien, dass der Verzehr von verarbeitetem Fleisch Darmkrebs verursacht. Versuchen Sie manchmal, außerhalb von Europa und Nordamerika zu besuchen. Jeder kann frisches Fleisch kaufen 🍖 🥓, zu jeder Zeit, in jeder Metropole, in jedem sogenannten „dritte Welt Land“. Ich bin 23 Jahre alt und habe in meinem ganzen Leben noch nie verarbeitetes Fleisch 🍖 🥓 gegessen. Seit meiner Kindheit esse ich Ente 🦆, Frosch 🐸, Schildkröte 🐢 Fleisch, Huhn, Hammel, Schwein, Rind 🍖.

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2 years ago

It is certainly unhealthy, but delicious. What would Bavaria or Austria be without liver cheese? Pastes, terrins, sausages, etc. are cultural goods and a highlight of the palate delights.

There is always a lot of it.

You’ll find something negative on every food. I am thinking in particular of pork, which is clearly not healthy.

In addition, someone who eats frog and turtle shouldn’t dare so far. That could solve a shitstorm.

2 years ago

Convenientness and most do not look so extreme to health. Here you can also buy unprocessed meat and in other countries there are processed meat. Many taste it easy. Everyone knows that industrial sugar is unhealthy, but this is still consumed in large quantities.

2 years ago


For the same reason why people smoke.

About Anna

2 years ago

I don’t give anything to the studies.

It’s over with information in this world, you just get subjective information.

2 years ago

the WHO is right: if you eat more of all that they call carcinogenic, you don’t get cancer – as well? you die within a week!

2 years ago

If that were the case, then in these countries colon cancer would be cause of death No 1 .

The awareness of healthier food must only arrive in the middle of society, there are still one or two generations going into the country.

Btw – who has frogs and turtles (wf?) on the menu shouldn’t let his fellow human beings get into the diet. Just my 5 cents .

2 years ago

When it tastes them

Let them just eat it

2 years ago

Rage is Germany

I don’t do that because sausage is fat

Nevertheless, the whole working class glows its sausage bread in the morning and evening.

The sausage bread is the rice of Germany

2 years ago


  • You don’t care
  • they have always done so
  • because they do not want to believe the whole
2 years ago

Sausage tastes very delicious.

2 years ago

What is that? “processed meat” So is a sausage now a carcinogenic? I don’t think

2 years ago
Reply to  pupsnase2

Yeah, but that’s already known.

2 years ago
Reply to  Muktamani

What is known

2 years ago

You don’t read and understand.

I have not declared anything but “incorrect” at all, I had only read out from the article that the new findings are not undeniable, and that is what I have said.

I didn’t read the study because I didn’t have time for it this afternoon.

2 years ago

Of course, all WHO statements must be skeptical, so the independent study that disassembles the narrow.

I did not read the study myself

Lol. At first it doesn’t suit you that it’s in the daylight mirror, the source is simply not read and yet declared incorrect. Troll!

2 years ago

But you must also remain skeptical.

Don’t come to me now with a newspaper report with “scientific” understanding. I didn’t read the study myself, but that it also came to fierce criticism.

2 years ago

The conclusion is clear. One must of course have a scientific understanding and English knowledge otherwise one does not recognize the scope of the study.

2 years ago

But the conclusion is not as clear as the headline and the input text suggest.

There is nothing wrong with this, because these studies have also been criticized.

2 years ago

The scientific study is therefore linked


2 years ago

An assertion is not yet a scientific investigation for me ….

The mirror of the day…

2 years ago

But in the meantime was refuted.

Overall, there was no statistically significant link between meat consumption and 13 different types of cancer, diabetes or heart disease.

https://m.tagesspiegel.de/wissen/health effects-gering-ist-rotes-fleisch-now-doch-nicht-so-ungesund/25071292.html

2 years ago

That processed meat (worst, puked, smoked) is strongly carcinogenic. This has been through all media for years and is scientifically proven .

https://www.konsumerzentrale.de/wissen/food/food production/who-processed meat carcinogen-12300

2 years ago

Because it’s not unhealthy.