Warum essen manche Menschen sowas?
Das ist doch total ungesund auf Langzeit
Und außerdem muss man die unteren da in der Mikrowelle erhitzen woraus die Schalle meistens aus Plastik besteht und da Chemikalien wie bpa raus kommt.
hallo ich hab vor ca 3 stunden rohen Kuchenteig gegessen und jetzt gehts mir echt dreckig. Übelkeit, Bauchweh, was kann ich dagegen tun? Ich habe bereits einmal erbrochen um den teig wieder weg zu kriegen. Danke für jede Antwort, brauche sie schnell, denn morgen darf es mir so nicht gehen.
Sind Energy Drinks schlecht für unseren Körper?
Hey, wir machen gerade Urlaub am Mittelmeer und haben einen Dactylopterus volitans/Hahnfisch gefangen. Wie bereitet man den am besten zum Essen zu?
Ich bin 16F und seit 2 Wochen etwa habe ich ständig Hunger. ich esse eine normale Portion Bolognese aber habe 3 Stunden später wieder eine leeren Magen und ein Hungergefühl und das halt den ganzen Tag lang immer. Ich mache keinen richtigen Sport, habe täglich 11-20tausend Schritte, nehme keine Medikamente. Das einzige was seien könnte…
Ich fange jetzt angefangen vegan zu leben und fragte ich mich ob Bauernbrot vegan sei. Mich würde auch interessieren welche Brotsorten vegan/nicht vegan sind.
Because it should go quickly / must.
Because you got Bock on it.
Because not everyone is able to cook completely fresh.
Because it tastes someone.
That the finished dishes are anything but healthy is well known.
For example, I often prefer to cook properly and reasonably fresh. Then, unfortunately, there’s often enough in between that pulls me so far that I don’t have a nerve to put me in the kitchen!
Because it’s finished in a few minutes and it doesn’t even require the minutes of monitoring.
You pack it in cold and get it warm, it’s like magic.
Compare it to diet 80-100 years ago
And usually doesn’t taste so bad…
Because they assume that everything that is permitted cannot be harmful and because they lack time, pleasure and skills to prepare meals themselves.
But the wraps are not really bad as a deterrent example – the only thing that is not found in a private household is calcium chloride and, at best, acetic acid. I’ve really seen other things on ingredients lists.
Maybe they don’t have time or desire to cook something own.
Most eat this because of comfort and cost
Isn’t cooking even cheaper?
Not unthinkable. Especially for single households, packs are often too large and otherwise not always because money is the limiting factor, but also time, pleasure or skill.
Depends on the prices of cooked dishes (per serving)
Because not everyone can cook fresh
Because virtually no work requires
What do you mean, bpa?
I like “natural” yogurts and quark dishes.
No desire to cook
Because not all take care of their health
I know who died even though they never ate that.
Compare what people have eaten 100 years ago.
Einstein is also dead, Cleopatra also , Charles Darwin , Christoph Columbus also … and they didn’t eat that… well, the last maybe canned food ,
Well, I’m not about when you die, but whether you stay healthy and not sooner or later develop and suffer any physical illnesses due to artificial substances such as (long-lasting etc.).
You can unpack it and heat it in a microwave harness.
What is a microshaft harness?
There are, for example, Tupperware.
You can also heat it on a normal plate, bowl, etc. But here you have to be careful that there are no gold edges, silver edges on the dishes, otherwise it sparks in the microwave.
Yes and no.
I only use TW-microwave harnesses.
So you mean microshaft-fitting things.
Because they taste