Why do some people eat licorice?
It smells, tastes and looks like pure poison.
So why do you do something like that to your body?
There can be no talk of "enjoyment" here, because it is objectively disgusting.
Are there any other arguments in favor?
It smells, tastes and looks like pure poison.
So why do you do something like that to your body?
There can be no talk of "enjoyment" here, because it is objectively disgusting.
Are there any other arguments in favor?
Eine Sache, die ich nie richtig verstanden habe. Heißt es von auf beiden Seiten JEWEILS 8 Minuten (also insg. 16 Minuten) oder insgesamt 8 Minuten und zwischendurch einmal wenden? Schade, dass man sich hier nicht mal um klare Formulierungen bemüht
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oder muss ich die Rote Bete umlagern ( Plastikbeutel)?
Hey people, I have to drink black cumin oil every morning from today onwards, but I wanted to know if the teaspoon in the middle or the one on the far right is the one. best regards
I can bite in a car tire
Who knows what these exist in reality, after all color and smell is similar… 😮
Molded car tires packed into waffle iron
He comes to taste, but at some point the air is out and then he gets the air out in parking cars
And then when finished, it probably resembles a chewing toy for dogs xD
She tastes very good to me. She’s good for the stomach. Too much should not be eaten per day, because Lakritz increases blood pressure.
Hello cloud black, 👋
Well, why? Because many people and especially children Lakritze tastes very good 😋 … also… 😋😋😋
😅 Nonsense.
Why do you say this
such a nonsense?
I find this statement here:
stupid & disgusting!
Lakritz is enjoyment for the
they like to eat. 😋
Jaaahh 😋Süßwurz = Lakritz = LECKER 😋
LG 🙋🏻
There are people who like it, and those who do not like it. Nobody forces you to eat that.
I would rather ask myself why people eat something like gammelroaches, ham fruit (Durian), surströmming etc.
Lakritz is still harmless. But it’s just a matter of taste.
The pro argument you have already called:objectivedisgusting.
taste butsubjective.
Well. That’s it.
For Lakritze it is exceptionally an exception
Obviously not. Because I like to eat it.
You seem to be sniffing about car tires too often….😹😹😹😂😂🤣🤣
The smell is still very similar 🤢🤮
Uh, I’ve got an average tongue. There are rippers.
Lakritz does not have a car tire taste, since car tires are not made of sweetwood juice at all and no one inside is 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💦💦💦
Just because you don’t like Lakritze, she’s not “objective” disgusting.
I’m sorry.
I cannot accept
I told you. Subjective.
Maybe your taste buds are not properly calibrated because car tire taste signals something unnatural for the body
I have tasted it especially since DEM when my old man from the Netherlands brought a corresponding chewing root of an African shrub.
Unfortunately, taste differences cannot be explained individually.
Something that some people taste and others do not, is not “objective” disgusting.
I like Lakritze.
“Some people like that”
For me, your description also fits on mushrooms, and the other people also eat.
Haha, I find mushrooms so disgusting, but those who like mushrooms should eat them
So I eat it. Because it tastes me. Whatever you say.
Because it tastes. Easy to use
Others eat oysters, which I find really disgusting
Or snails > < <