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Not all eat soy sauce but I guess that’s just a kind of tradition as other people eat certain things in other countries. In addition, soy sauce is a good salt alternative and it could be that it fits to its just good.
Since Japan are several islands, there was not as much offer as on the mainland. Thus, many methods were used for durability, such as fermentation. with salt. The soya sauce or tamari was also formed. Dark with soybeans. Bright wheat. Some are a mixture of both. It gives food the typical “umami” taste and underlines the taste of the cooking ingredients used.
There are different types, less low-salt for cooking and more salty for post-seasoning.
It is usually used in combination with Mirin, Dashi. There are also soya sowings from other ingredients, for example in mimiferments. (gluten-free)
It’s like the Germans that Maggi.
On the other hand, there are various other spices and spices in Japanese cuisine. For example, Dashi and Miso are well known, wasabi, shichimi, garlic, ginger, teriyakisauce, sesame, pepper, chili oil, Yuzu…….
So eat.
Tastes very delicious. I always have a big bottle at home.
There are also Wasabi, and other things they use
Salt is not used everywhere. In Japan you take fish sauce instead of its soy saucer and in Thailand.
Is already a very racist view… there are also foods where this is not included…
A racist view? OMG! What is racist about it?
It’s not really racist.
It’s more of a question about culture.
So, a false information is racist nowadays. This is at best a prejudice, but in no case racist. For if the questioner believed or heard this, he does not harm any Japanese.
Can you say “Japanese,” or is that racist?
It’s like for most German salt.
because soy sauce is great
Well, all the Japanese don’t eat soy sauce!
Let’s not eat in Germany! Nevertheless, we import 25,000 tons (!) prepared soy sauces every year! < is tasty!
Because they don’t.
Don’t do it.
I was in Japan for a week.
And you were not eaten!