Warum essen Deutsche so viel Brot?
Warum ist es so, dass man in Deutscher Kultur relativ viel Brot isst, und ist das wirklich gesund?
Also ist die Standardeutsche Ernährung gesund? Oder ist diese Ernährung der Grund warum Deutsche so ungesund sind?
Warum ist es so, dass man in Deutscher Kultur relativ viel Brot isst, und ist das wirklich gesund?
Also ist die Standardeutsche Ernährung gesund? Oder ist diese Ernährung der Grund warum Deutsche so ungesund sind?
Habe wieder Bauch-Schmerzen und mein Stuhl besteht nur aus so Nahrungsresten habe gestern 2 von so Toast gegessen mit geschmolzenen Käse und Salami darauf davor hatte ich einen Joghurt und ein normales Toast mit Gouda Käse (nicht geschmolzen dieses mal) kann es davon kommen oder was anderes vielleicht war es ja gestern zu viel Fett…
Ich kann 3 ungesunde Speisen hintereinander essen, ohne probleme, habe ich auch bis vorgestern so gemacht und wiege schon 99 kg, jetzt habe ich aber radikal umgestellt, seit gestern und mache sport und esse deutlich weniger, ich habe heute um 11:29 uhr eine grapefruit gegessen mit Gemüse also 3 dünne Scheiben Paprika, 4 Scheiben Gurken…
Welche Ernährungsweise ist gesünder: Wenn ich ausschliesslich Früchte und Gemüse esse oder wenn ich ausgewogen, aber manchmal auch Fast Food esse?
Hallo warum nehmen so viele ein Glas Wasser mit Salz vorm Sport ? Und hilft das ?
Hi,an alle die sich da auskennen. Ich bin grade erst dabei mich mit Sauerteig auseinanderzusetzen. Und ich verstehe, wie oben beschrieben den Unterscheid zwischen Anstellgut und Sauerteig nicht? Und außerdem wie lagere ich Sauerteig und Anstellgut? Weil ich kann ja nicht gleich alles in ein Brot geben.Ich würde mich über ernsthaft gemeinte antworten sehr freuen.😊
I don’t think that Germans eat much of it above average. But it is true that the grain contains many healthy nutrients:
However, this applies only as long as the grain is not damaged. This happens when you’re refined cereals. That’s why it’s rough to say, the less refined the grain, the healthier a food.
Unfortunately, many white flour products are eaten in Germany. This is not good for health, especially the risk of diabetes. It’s worse in the United States.
As a non-German, I eat exactly as much bread, with me it is only the reverse: while the Germans are usually eating only a bread at lunchtime and in the evening, I have a bread or bread as a small snack at lunchtime, because it goes fast. And in the evening, when I have time, I eat warm. That’s my main time a day. (In Germany it is now eaten in families where both men and women are employed, for reasons of time also in the evening and only in the weekend evening bread).
Another country in which it is also usual to eat only bread in the evening, instead of eating hot food, does not come to me, except in the other German-speaking countries.
Maybe I should get used to eating hot at lunch (in the canteen or precook) and in the evening just a bread. It would be healthier to eat only a little bite in the evening. ABer somehow I need dinner as a reward for the day.
With the question you suggest that Germans would eat a lot of bread. But what is this assumption based on? Often it is so that such eating clichés (in particular about Germans – why always) are quite unauthorized. Like the assertion that Germans would eat a lot of potatoes.
Here with bread it is. Looking at the per capita consumption of bread and baked goods, Germany is more in the middle and far behind countries such as Turkey.
Perhaps you have the impression, because in Germany (compared to many other countries) there are particularly many different types of bread and therefore often German bread is spoken?
Well, Germans traditionally eat (20th century, probably also 19th) Bread for breakfast and often for dinner. So who eats in this way – and this certainly happens more often in Germany than in Japan – the eats comparatively much bread. Who eats a traditional breakfast from Asian countries (and a traditional dinner of these countries) is likely to eat comparatively little bread.
It’s like that. If there is a baker, school/university or work everywhere, you can see that the majority of bread is breakfast and you will be looked at wrong if you don’t have this;)
Gives healthier and healthier.
There are still in Germany the best bread and the largest selection, unmistakably many recipes. Hard to resist.
I don’t really like brot.
You just have to find the right bread for you, there are a lot of varieties of it, I like self-baked peasant bread, have found one like this on a weekly market, has tasted well, I’ll pick one again
What culture do you come from? Would you rather eat rice or what?
Bread is a food, eat for breakfast rye bread and dinner peasant bread, so I have some change
Why should I eat a lot of bread, believe this will ruin you, lots of carbs, trust me, experience.
What is the usual carbohydrate supplement? I can’t imagine all Swiss eating low carb.
has several reasons
On the one hand, the DGE recommends a carbohydrate intake of up to 50%, which suggests to people that you need so much – I myself eat strict ketogens and can tell from me that you definitely have more energy with fewer carbohydrates and it is also much healthier
On the other hand, it is part of German culture, no idea where it comes from
And of course it tastes most people. But that makes it dependent and leads to diabetes type 2 and overweight in duration, most of them do not have on the screen. Or it’s not important to them, it can be…
Dependence/sugar addiction, false information of DGE, social pressure, taste, ignorance can be the reasons for this. And yes, it is one of the reasons why Germany is so unhealthy. Not to be forgotten is the high gluten content in cereals. 100 years ago it was not as high as today
Full grain bread is healthy, bright bread rather not like that.
It’s all about culture and what has grown here earlier. Originally, no potatoes or rice were cultivated in Europe for a long time, so there were only cereals from which to make bread.
That’s why this was eaten a lot, that was so much for generations.
not ideal for muscle building much brot to eat.
Doesn’t want to build up every muscle. Usually you eat to get tired.
Who needs intelligence when he has muscles…
for muscle build-up used to be hard work
There was no mention of muscle building
how far is your trolling healthy?
And how is a slave to be healthy?
at the time when bread was essential for the diet there was no gym at every corner, the people would not have had time for it because they were on the ground from morning to evening.
Is not particularly effective, shared training is more effective
On the one hand, in other countries, of course, some bread is eaten, white bread or bread is served at any meal, pizza is eaten or bread soup, etc., or bread in the form of burgerbuns and toast.
In Germany, however, there are many different types of bread, besides white bread, also Volkornbrote, breads from different types of flour, sourdough bread and yeast bread, etc.
On the other hand, bread is not unhealthy.
I think a lot is habit. This has evolved, children learn this from small and then continue it later as adults.
In other countries, for example, we eat rice at every meal, there is only another starch supplement. This is usually quite cheap and saturated well, at earlier times where fresh fruit and vegetables were difficult to get in winter and meals were not safe, well-being meals (no matter whether bread or oatmeal) were just cheap and quick.
The problem is that we now have an oversupply of food and are often well fed, you should pay more attention to what is in what quantity and whether you get all nutrients in sufficient numbers. Anyone who is bread in the morning and in the evening, if necessary already with some cucumber or tomato, can feed well if there are enough other nutrients at lunchtime. You have to consider the whole diet as a whole to judge it.
I have to say honestly: I can’t understand. With my parents there was a classic two times a day of bread, in the morning and in the evening, later when there were warm lunches. To do this the break for school and work. I never tasted that, for a time I’ve tormented it, when I was older, I’ve changed to other things, e.g. morning cereal, now no breakfast under the week. Once a bun every 2 weeks on weekend ok, but I couldn’t eat bread every day, not at all several times. Often I have no bread, rolls or the like at home, because I myself don’t get small packages on my own. I buy it very rarely, mostly when visiting. By the way, I eat the rolls only every two weeks, because I am often with family or friends on weekends and most of them are breakfast bread/breads…
Dietary habits/traditions usually arise regional where much water, lots of fish, where little water grain, legumes fruit and vegetables.
The healthiest people live where mixed food is normal.
Bread/grain does not make sick or thick. The low-movement way of life of the “Homo Industrialis” makes sick and thick.
In the past, it was not about muscle building, but about generating energy(reserves) for day work. For this, cereals are a suitable food.
If you do 10, 12 hours of physical work on day, you have to eat a whole lot of bread if you want to put fat.
Nowadays people eat like “construction workers” and move like the kings (they can be worn).
But you want to look like a grain eater?
What does this have to do with the look?
If you eat a lot of meat without moving you, you will also get fat and rheumatism.
Read what I wrote.
if you eat a lot of chalk, you become inconsistent.
To feed healthier than McDoof and potato chips, sure. Where this leads… see USA.
PS: if I look at your questions like this, do I have the following questions? Do you have psychological therapy? Why? Well, pronlematic body image. Orthorexiever thought… and so much more. I mean, it sounds very unbalanced. And listen a lot to Tiktok’s talk, right?
Yeah, that’s more cereals. But much grain does not exactly lead to a beautiful healthy body. It’s a bad one.
You’re right. But many don’t believe it…
You know you’re crazy. Check your information sources. Full grain bread is great. White bread is sack. And a food alone does not make body shapes at all.
At McDonald’s there are also cereals…
So many food experts on the go. Wow.
Yes, then eat a lot of brot, but it’s not especially good for muscle building, that’s fact.
Permanent propaganda of the lay press
No, the food industry sells it as healthy. First of all, it does with full grain advertising although it has no advantage.