Warum esse ich obwohl ich es nicht will?

Also ich esse halt und denk mir so das ich ganz schön zugenommen habe und fühle mich schlecht und will aufhören kann aber nicht. Ich wiege eig auch nicht relativ viel mit 41,5 kg (ich bin 14 und 1,53m groß) hab immer hunger und bin sozusagen auch manchmal zu faul zum essen. Macht das Sinn?? Manchmal will ich auch alles raufkotzen und denke dran ob ich es selber machen sollte.Ich fühle mich echt schlecht zu essen.Ist das irgendeine essstörung?

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7 months ago

Try to make it different. Take the food out of reach for a while. Your body needs approx. 3 hours to register that he has enough.

Make sure you want something to eat. The goal should be to screw down especially “snacks in between”. Because it is better if the body is tracking harder times when it can absorb energy through food.

That this is difficult for most people to implement this is understandable. In the past, this went better because our body learned to starve for a whole time and still to use all the energy he could process. After all, these times were even more dangerous. Today there is food at every snack stand and of course it is very difficult to resist it.

7 months ago

Yeah, you have a eating disorder. This can be treated well by means of a corresponding therapy. It is important that you take this up because your bad diet can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health. Also, at your age the foundations are set, so if you don’t learn how to feed yourself healthy, you will keep these habits for your life.

7 months ago

Are you eating out of boredom? If you start to cause vomiting, this can be very quickly a magnificence.

7 months ago

I know that too well. Make sure you’re really hungry and when you’re bored.

7 months ago

Because you’re hungry