Warum erzählen manche Leute solche Lügen?
Bsw., daß ein Heilpraktiker akute medizinische Notfälle wie eine Sepsis auf alternative Weise behandeln darf.
Wollen sich manche mit solchen Aussagen nur wichtig machen, oder steckt etwas anderes dahinter?
Was denkt ihr?
People tell such lies because they don’t know better. HP have practically no training. They may think everything because they do not know what they can and especially what they can NOT.
This is why the HP belongs strongly reformed or abolished.
The stupid thing is that healers are allowed to practise medicine in accordance with the law of the healers – just like doctors. Well, of course, with other requirements. Healing practitioners may not, for example, produce or prescribe medicines, treat predictable diseases, provide dentistry or birth aid or establish the death of a human being. But they are very likely to use alternative medical methods to cure them of diagnosed diseases… and if a healer of a sepsis thinks that he can treat it in principle… because he is not allowed to treat only reportable diseases.
But of course, a healer must know the limits of his abilities. He must be able to recognize that in the case of severe sepsis a drug is required (an antibiotic) that he must not give. In this respect, he is obliged to recommend a corresponding treatment – if he identifies a sepsis as such and does not think that the patient has an infect, but one that can also be treated with alternative means.
In the end, a judge will have to decide in the last instance what the healer could have seen and what he shouldn’t and what he should have treated and what he shouldn’t…
There is no “alternative medicine” or “school medicine”. Either a procedure can prove an effect (via placebo), then it is medicine. Or it can’t, then it’s blur.
The profession healer has summarized all “Laien-Heiler” in one order. That was the third. Rich because you needed the real doctors on the front.
Austria was wise enough to abolish this law after the war. Today, he almost only serves as a vehicle to sell esoteric as a medicine or to circumvent the approval order for psychotherapy.
Why would that be forbidden?
You can also refuse medical treatment as a person.
Even with alternatives, you get nothing worse than the safe dead if the person would not be treated.
This may be an exception and not the rule but you said it is generally not allowed. And I don’t see that.
for example: someone comes into the practice of an HP and suffers – apparently – a heart attack.
the Hp MUSS alert the emergency service and supply the patient with medical treatment. This is regulated by law. He is not allowed to “rumdoktern” alone in such cases. It would be like a sepsis.
Now there are (inspiring) supporters who claim that the HP had cured them from their sufferings.
and these people are:
Why do they tell such untruths?
Of course, a doctor must be informed. But as long as you don’t do anything that hurts the person you can try something else.
If there are a few gems on the person who are braiding together, maybe there is a stupid comment of the rescue staff but no prosecution.
It is therefore wrong that they must not treat. You can’t risk a patient’s life. That’s something other than not to be treated.
However, you get that the healing intern – mostly they are very convinced of their dizziness, similar to their “patients” – applies his esotericism and the patient therefore does not use real medicine.
Oh, really?
vllt. Make yourself smart:
https://herzmedizin.de/fuer-patient-und-interested/heart diseases/health infarction/health infarct treatment and therapy.html
I mean No “First Aid Measures” (although there may already be errors) but treatment steps for healing.
Since when is a stroke “not treated” and only monitored?
be not evil, but please keep following:
…sorry, but apparently you’re really talking about my question.
makes no sense.
And half of it can probably treat the healer.
Then it should be mentioned again later in the discussion.
But we had a heart attack that a healer can treat naturally. Actually, every driver should be able to “treat” them. stroke is also not a problem in the treatment because one does not treat it at all but monitors the patient.
So there are still no lies around. In any case, where you say, “But you can’t do that in 100% of the cases”.
Maybe you should think more about what you want to say. You obviously don’t want to ask the questions.
There are even lay people who can. And I didn’t even mean that.
a few hours ago when I added my question:
here the quote:
I don’t know any studies or statistics that a healer never had a success in the case of deadly problems.
You should first define exactly what your “so” diseases are. You will certainly find medical practitioners who have successfully performed a heart massage.
But not such Disorders!
That’s a lie.
These are two very different points. Once you can treat someone who is in an emergency situation and another one you have been cured.
And also the healer has to face healings is now no lie.
Thank you.
actually was DAS my question:
It used to be a medical practice. Modern medicine is not too long. Sure, in the past, more people have definitely died of wrong treatments, but many have been helped with it.
I had an incoming disc incident, which could be treated surgically. But I chose chiropractices and some sort of rehab, and today I’m fine.
See my further addition that I have put under the question.
This changes some 😊
“But it worked with me.” Anecdote. The “modern medicine”, better evidence-based medicine, has existed since there are modern scientific methods. They are an excellent and very probatable means to distinguish esotericism and religion from real knowledge.
Procedures to which many people have been described an effect earlier (and thanks to medical practitioners and dizzy vendors still today) have fallen through. These effects are also claimed by the same people if they are given a placebo without their knowledge.
such you can only ask directly – sometimes it is also only ignorance that is concealed.
Ask him not to be shy.