Warum erschaffen Hobbyautoren Mary Sue’s / Gary Stu’s?
Also Personen die einfach perfekt sind. Völlig glattgelutscht, ohne Fehler und Makel. Sie sind schön, klug, begabt, reich, beliebt, umschwärmt, schlagfertig, sportlich und dazu noch freundlich und / oder cool usw. Es gibt nichts was sie nicht können oder in kürzester Zeit meistern. Sie sind besser als Superhelden, makelloser als Götter.
Warum schreibt man solche Personen? Es müsste doch jedem bewusst sein wie unglaublich langweilig und unerträglich unrealistisch das ist. Dennoch ist es (grade bei Anfängern) weit verbreitet. Wieso? Was ist der Reiz daran?
I’m honest, I’ve always created quite a lot of Mary Sues before, without being aware.
I think, just when one is still very young and only starts writing, the protagonists are usually the desired image of oneself, i.e. they are perfect in their own eyes. It quickly falls below the table that characters must also have weaknesses.
Especially with young authors, I do not think that they are quite aware that this is incredibly boring, especially because in many children’s books (or at least in those I read at the time) the characters are also very “strong” and create everything.
Perhaps this will answer your question 🙂
Yes, it answers it very well, thank you very much:) I never thought about this with the children’s books, but it sounds conclusive.
Nice to meet you if I could help 🙂
Honestly, I would write such Mary Sue`s /Gary Stue`s as a kind of countermovement.
Why countermovement?
Because it’s my personal attention to the cookie that a protagonist has to bear so much suffering and misery. And it will be resigned. And resigned. And once again. And because this is still not enough, of course, it feels 20 more times.
Sometimes I have the feeling that as an author one is obliged to work out a 500-page psychogram for a figure that only has its appearance in asking how late it is and then never reappears.
That’s why only 500 pages.
In the case of important protagonists, one should add a zero.
Of course, it’s very much covered by me now.
But I have heard more often that I am referring to the statement that in my stories there are protas, which are quite normal, who do not drag an inner disintegration with themselves, who do not have any hindrance, who are – preserved – even heterosexual, so that they are attacked, that they prefer to pack me on the stakes, that I would use this provocation as an antidote.
Only: does not work: My figures aren’t perfect.
But not broken.
I think it often has not to do something directly with dreams, but also with the fact that one cannot choose one.
Often in a story one has several ideas for abilities or also for herds or backgrounds for the main person, whether these are dreams or simply ideas are sometimes there.
As an example, I would have a figure called Dominik, which I thought out at kindergarten times.
This was a shape-shifter, a magician, could jump over ten meters wide abysses, was a Paladin of Damian XXI, the king of the rainbow cats, was even royal descent, but he did not know because the old king was crashed and had a moon dragon, which was considered the most beautiful dragons and as extinct.
The problem was that I had more and more ideas and all of them “packed” to the main character, because I didn’t really think about most of the side figures. (There were two more who were very important and they could too much.) In addition, I have never done the trouble of resolving old ideas. (The fact that he was a royal descendant was no longer important from a certain point of time and one could have simply removed it, just like the magic power that lost importance.)
I can also imagine that some change the background of a character several times, but maintain the skills that have received through this background. If, for example, the figure should first be a warrior, but later it is made a farmer, but still has the same fighting skills.
A good argument, thank you:)
Inexperienced authors tend to develop a character they would like to be themselves, the perfect person without mistake. And especially for beginners, this is very widespread. I also remember reading my old stories.
Beginners probably don’t know how to develop their characters, because they just don’t want to give them a mistake, that would destroy their desired image, don’t they?
For the reader, this may be unbearable, but for the author in the moment a perfect character.
Creating the whole person with mules and mistakes comes with most only the time, especially when you go through your own stories again and realize what you’ve done.
All experience comes with time, in some cases it does not take longer with some.
The main reason for Mary Sues in larger media (ZB Twilight, Star Wars, Fate the Winx Saga etc) is quite simply the one that the authors absolutely want, that the readers/spectators like the character. And that’s why they’re insanely afraid to give the character weaknesses that readers/spectators could stop.
This is one thing that can also play a role in hobby authors.
Then there’ll be the thing with ‘Wish Fulfilment’. Many first writers have more or less ‘me, but cooler’ as their main character. You write to see yourself as the coolest, most powerful, most desirable person in the world. Most of the time, no one says, “So I want to be cool now,” they say, “I don’t know how to get the characters out of the conflict without letting them fail too much, so that’s how it goes by itself or with a ‘deus ex machina'”.
And, of course, the thing that sometimes quite a lot of ideas are thrown on a bunch without thinking about what really fits together now.
A very good explanation, thank you:)
Firstly, because they don’t know better and don’t understand that a figure is a tool to tell a story and not the story a tool is to present a figure.
Secondly, because they write what they would like for themselves. The figure becomes a dream dream. One “that could be me.”
these are the dreams of authors who would like to be.
Wishful thinking. “Images”, which often performs the trivial literature.
My figures are not so thank God. It’s all great people. But I’m just saying.
Because women like to read it.
Bullshit. This has nothing to do with sex and with readers too little.
Why do you ask if you know everything better?
Ask yourself what you know for women.
The “thank you” was inadvertent.
I will tell the GF support that they will let the thank you be removed again. It seems urgent.
Of course you’re right. After a mature reflection and through your mindful words, I came to the conclusion that my opinion has remained exactly the same as at the beginning of the conversation.
It is true that I liked GUTE and SINNVOLLE answers. Less sexism, more realism.
I am a woman and know many female readers and writers. None of us appreciate it. A few in it, of course. But there are as many male readers and writers who read and/or write that. So obviously you can’t vote your answer.
Therefore, remember a reasonable answer or stop writing. At the moment, your contribution is quite useless.
You mean more answers you like.
I’m asking because I’m looking for answers. No silly claims.