Warum ernähren sich so viele Menschen ungesund?

Beim einkaufen sieht man, wie viel ungesundes Zeug die essen. Weißbrot, Knabberzeug und Süßigkeiten sind da leider keine Seltenheit. Ich frag miich manchmal, ob den Leuten ihre Gesundheit tatsächlich komplett egal ist. Weil sie tun ja scheinbar alles dagegen. Diese Leute sehen dann oftmals auch dementsprechend aus. Es ist natürlich deren Entscheidung, aber ich verstehe eben nicht, wie einem das so egal sein kann. Also warum ist das so und seid ihr selbst so?

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1 year ago

Almost all foods are safe in the right amount. Concentration makes the poison. To determine whether a single food is “healthy” is also not so easy, as it strongly depends on which person eats it.

Zu eat what a taste increases the quality of life. The price also plays a role, education, advertising, socialization and so on.

1 year ago
Reply to  Saim0n

This may be true with foods in theory, on paper. In reality or practice it looks different. Processed foods are designed in such a way that we usually take inferior nutrients, which are unnecessary on the one hand and which, through the processing, research and design of these products, would eat much more than good and compatible. There has been a consensus in science for years that particularly processed foods have a connection with overweight and certain diseases. That’s no longer a secret when you see what’s in there and how it’s processed.

And it “weaks” because many people are already conditioned on it from childhood. If you don’t, you don’t. for a few weeks and then try a Ben & Jerry ice cream or other sweets. The penetrant sweet taste is almost unpleasant. But you get used to time. The less health, energy, well-being in everyday life increases the quality of life is also a human “thinking error” that corresponds to nature and logic.

Knowledge, income, advertising, social reasons certainly play a role. That’s correct.

1 year ago
Reply to  Daniel551980

There has been a consensus in science for years that particularly processed foods have a connection with overweight and certain diseases.

How much one eats of it can still decide for oneself.

The less health, energy, well-being in everyday life increases the quality of life is also a human “thinking error” that corresponds to nature and logic.

That wasn’t my thesis either. Occasionally eating chips does not lead to less health, energy and well-being.

1 year ago

In many foods, sugar is included, which so to speak “increases”

1 year ago

Depending on what’s being dictated, you can’t eat anything anymore and even breathing is fatal at the end because carcinogenic. At some point, many people don’t care what sauce is driven through the village and you eat for mood and personal taste.

Fruit – sugar and sprayed
Vegetables – sprayed
Cereals – sprayed, eh unhealthy, all Devils because Carbs
Meat – sowiso evil
fish – loaded, evil, microplastics
Milk products – bad, too much fat
Eggs – cholesterol
Everything processed – eh only garbage
Even water is fatal in large quantities

What’s left, light food?
I usually cook fresh, colourful and reasonably healthy but the taste plays the first violin. That’s what we’re doing, physically healthy. My husband’s got that normal weight because he doesn’t like moving, but he likes to smell, I have an ideal weight.
Meat is very little with the recommended 300 – 500g per week and person, mostly lean cattle and wild because I have good sources, rare chicken.
From time to time it must also be soul food: lots of cheese, chips, frits, schnitzel etc. It doesn’t just want to be fed to the body and quite honestly: I’d rather bite 70 after a good life into the grass as being banished 100.

1 year ago

Makes better.

But it wouldn’t be so bad if you could keep a measure. It is also quite possible to eat much more unhealthy stuff than is often claimed without having problems. You just have to eat enough healthy stuff.

However, there are also factors that differ from man to man. I can eat as much as I’m hungry, and I’m not getting thicker, no matter how much sugar is in the good stuff I eat.

1 year ago

They always eat only what they have appetite – without thinking about their health!

1 year ago

I am usually quite healthy on the go, a time 100pro da performance sports. Don’t worry about anything else.

Do you feel superior or what is the question? Guess your… how manyth profile? 5? Plus 1 or did you know that again? Still a block party to you.

1 year ago

Because it tastes (sweetnesses, knabberzeugs & Co.)

Because ready meals are more convenient. Pushing the TK pizza into the oven is easier than to cook yourself, even if self-cooked tastes better.

1 year ago

White bread, nibble and candy can also be part of a healthy diet. To think should be what’s missing on the treadmill.

1 year ago
Reply to  Threesome592

You didn’t write anything about quantities. And as long as you don’t know what rate this is eaten, you can’t say anything to the crowds.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mugua

How should sweets be part of a healthy diet?

1 year ago

Because a healthy diet refers to the whole of what you take to you.

A glass of juice, a cup of sweetened coffee, a piece of cake or a dessert make your diet unhealthy as such. And you won’t find a doctor or nutritionist who would say that.

It depends on the specific quantities.

1 year ago

Other priorities. Enjoyment is more important than health. Can’t change

1 year ago

Because it’s easier and tasty.

1 year ago
Reply to  Threesome592

This depends on what the taste nerves are set.

1 year ago
Reply to  Threesome592


1 year ago
Reply to  guitschee

Even cooked is always (usually) more delicious, as ready meals, at least with us. Therefore, your second point is not true.

1 year ago
Reply to  Topses

Then cook candy yourself…

1 year ago

This is a huge pork and you don’t get it neatly clean….

1 year ago

Gives enough recipes on the internet to make boons. Then surely you are better who you can make to your own taste.

But I haven’t done it since we rarely take Bobons. From this we actually buy them, though very rare.

1 year ago

I’m the same.

1 year ago

And what taste you have. My loves sweetheart…

1 year ago

Because the fewest people have understood that healthy nutrition and health contexts

1 year ago



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