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The world of finance is like a jungle: for every Indiana Jones out there there are at least two or three snakes waiting to strike. If someone promises you fast money, it always means fast money for IHN, that of DIR if you let it happen.
Why youtube always allows this fraudulent advertising:
Because the advertisers know all the tricks and tricks they can trick the automatic spam detection. And if Youtube closes a loophole, the scammers will find the next one. That is why the last line of defense against fraudulent advertising is still the common sense.
Are mostly bots and there are too many of them to block all
What works is the mash to show people on the Internet how they supposed to earn money. And by showing other people how they are supposed to earn money. Basically a pyramid system.
And how to make the money
Probably by the Abos or Paywalls, where their alleged tricks are cheap to acquire..
The sell courses, tutorials and starter packs etc.
On the Internet nobody wants to give you something or do you a favor, so just ignore it.
Ne, looks like a pyramid system:
Only the man at the top really deserves money with it.
Some Egyptians also throw snowballs.
And how are snowballs stacked? Answer: Pyramid-like.
And some Eskimo children build snow pyramids;)
Gier eats spirit. Simple principle.