Warum erfolgt neuerdings im Web immer die Vorgabe falscher Kenntnisse?

Langsam beginne ich ein wenig am Web zu zweifeln, liebe Freunde und das hat seinen guten Grund. Auch wenn ich mich dann bei anderen Fällen wieder irre. Aber:

Da laufen im Web derzeit laut allgemeine Spezialisten herum, diese Wortschöpfung ist absichtlich kreiert, denen man nur 5 Minuten zuhören muss. Und schon wird einem klar, dass diese Person es mit der Wahrheit nicht so genau nimmt.

Da bin ich zum Beispiel auf einen Spezialisten für Wirtschaft gestoßen der von den Fächern Betriebstechnik und Betriebswirtschaft noch nie etwas gehört hat. Einen KSV für eine Privatorganisation und daher für die Wirtschaft als unwesentlich erachtet.

Oder auch schon Theologen, die noch nie etwas von den Templern gehört haben.

Da bin ich auf Fachleute für Physik gestoßen, welche die Erde für eine Kugel anstatt einen Geoid hielten und meinten, dass es keine Jahreszeiten gebe. Denn sie würden sich in ihrem Fachgebiet auskennen und die Erdachse bewegt sich nicht.


Wen wundert es dann, dass dann meine Ausbildungen, die ich wirklich gemacht habe, immer angezweifelt werden. Wen man sich selbst als etwas ausgibt, was man zweifelsfrei nicht ist.

Wobei es mich dennoch wundert, dass diese Personen Allgemeinbegriffe wie HTL für Betriebstechnik noch nie gehört haben. Gibt es in Deutschland so etwas wie HTLs nicht. Oder hängt dies mit defekter KI zusammen?

Was glaubst Du?

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6 months ago

I also think that this could be a problem, because false knowledge doesn’t want to believe. I think that the people who have learned nothing and are still active on the web are creating websites and inserting false or own information. In your examples, of course, I guess that’s what I think. Usually it should be checked by someone who wrote it.

6 months ago
Reply to  MasonI567

Oh, okay. Yes, however, these people just zip me in good German.

6 months ago

Peitl, of course you, with your X thought-out professions and titles you have to complain about others. And – as not to be expected otherwise – you make capital mistakes in your justification. Let’s take an example. You say that the KSV is not a private association (what else, state?). Well, then I recommend looking at their side, that is the credit protection association 1870, short form KSV 1870 (not just KSV). The association has over 33,000 members and under its roof there are several companies. For anyone who has only a minimum of understanding, it is clear that this is a private association and not a state. Accordingly, all statements of the association must also be evaluated. But of course, you promptly claim the opposite and think that others are stupid.

6 months ago
Reply to  MasonI567

The term “state-predicted” is impunity. For example, a non-profit entity is also prejudicially privileged because it does not have to pay taxes. In particular, what is the state’s prerogative should be read. The fact is, however, that this is a private association that has its own agenda and which for historical reasons have been given a few advantages by the state.

In total, KSV 1870 is not neutral, but a representation of interests.

6 months ago

I don’t think that the KSV 1870 has ever heard of you, and as you should have noticed easily, the proportion of rejection of your post is considerably greater than the consent, and the consent is more generic and has nothing to do with your personal situation.

6 months ago

But not only do you have a mindset, but an individual opinion, because all others think your statements are completely nonsense, whereas I have not yet experienced anyone holding my statements as nonsense about these discussions.

The KSV 1870 does not act on the government’s mission, but it is a privster association/interest that looks back on a 150-year history, and that in the course of this history some advantages were granted by the state. This is something completely different. There’s something like this in Germany, which is sometimes found at foundations.

I don’t know what you mean by AMA.

6 months ago

It is fascinating how in a question that suggests other ignorance, so many erroneous assertions can be contained.

  1. Earth is not a geoid. The geoid, as you can read in the text you link, is a theoretical body where the earth’s surface is leveled to simplify various calculations.
  2. No one has claimed that there are no seasons on Earth, as well as there is no rotation of the Earth’s axis. But you were told that the latter was not the cause of climate warming, as you say. And first of all, because you were told that no subtropical climate prevails in Vienna, because then the seasons would be different. Read more here:
  3. Theologians probably know the Templars. Here, too, you generalize. The historical Templars who have ended up with the Templar processes are not asked, either by the death of the Templars or by integration into other orders. But here are the modern groups that appeal to the Templars – including your own party. They are simply perceived as a stepping stone driver.
  4. The KSV is a private company. And he has a massive interest in warning against insolvency and payment failures. Finally, they sell credit assessments as a product. Read more here: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kreditschutzverband_von_1870 and criticism of the Gebaren here: https://consumer.at/geld-recht/bonitaetsbewertung-online
  5. You have visited an HTL with a focus on operating technology, but that doesn’t make you an operating technician for a long time, especially since you haven’t completed it according to your own information. The training in computer science does not seem to have been very well-founded, you read your questions in this field. About the ominous temple academy, which wants to give you the Magistertitel, before you have tasted yourself with a PhD, we prefer to spread the coat of silence.
6 months ago
Reply to  MasonI567

1) The first sentence to Geoid in your link is:

An idealized surface of the sea level usually precipitates – despite the relatively uniform sea level – because this surface is also mathematically too complicated.

This makes it clear that the earth is not a geoid.

2) According to the current state of knowledge of science, the dinosaurs have died by a meteorite attack or have developed into birds.

3) These claim. It’s bullshit.

4) The KSV is state-adjusted, but still a private enterprise. But that we bear an authority, which is not. This is also regularly criticised by consumer protection. Link to the top.

5) These academies may exist. However, since they are not accredited by the state, they must not award official titles, but only fantasy titles that cannot be worn. And that regardless of my temperament (!).

You were very successful with your company but never. Because according to your information, they have gone broke and you have even become homeless through this plebis. This is not a very good proof of economic competence.

6 months ago
Reply to  salome77

What does this have to do with the actual question?

6 months ago
Reply to  Chris1202

The questioner suggests ignorance to those who answer his questions, and it is him who owns them.

6 months ago

Read what a title is. You don’t have a title, not one, and you don’t have a recognized certificate as a graduate programmer, because you don’t have it, never gave it. So don’t say bullshit.

6 months ago

Say, these are all inventions of you without any evidence.

6 months ago

You always tell me you’re supposed to take over the lines everywhere. If you look at the lines, you’re standing. Never name there. This makes you doubt your claims.

6 months ago

There’s nothing about you.

6 months ago

Then Su can probably link a newspaper section.

6 months ago

Only that of this “megapleite” nobody got anything.

And your online format didn’t explode, because you still confuse readers with people who click on your pages as you spread your links everywhere.

You were accused yesterday by another user.

6 months ago

The web is now able to pass on knowledge unabated by the end user, many can inform themselves about all the possible sources and there is unfortunately also much mist. The so-called split is indebted to the black-intelligence, each of which nowadays tries to persuade his thoughts will depend on this black-intelligence, be it with likes, comments or similar. So if the question is how good content gets more from the cake, the ki of the next generation is already waiting to tackle this problem

6 months ago

I’m sorry, I only know the problem too well.

I also have to do it more often with a user who, contrary to all the facts, claims that Ukraine had begun the current war with Russia and that Russia had only joined the war in 2022.

Then, the alleged states of Luhansk and Donetsk are fantastically ignoring that Russia has already annexed Crimea in 2014, which is equivalent to a declaration of war.

This is what happens when people want to sell their weakly researched opinions as facts.

6 months ago
Reply to  MasonI567

Oh, yeah, you were there…

Realism has nothing to do with ignoring facts that do not fit you into the stuff.

By the way, you should take Sahra Wagenknecht out of the list. This defines the Russian war of attack as what it is: an aggression of Russia. She does not claim that the aggression went out from Ukraine.

But that’s another fact you’re going to ignore, isn’t it?

6 months ago

According to your logic, in 2022 it was also unwise to attack Ukraine via 4 routes. Well, it’s gone pretty wrong.

The attack on Hostomel went next, so no bridge head near Kiev could be established. The attack on Balarus was not only caused by it and the Russians had to withdraw from the north after a few weeks and confine themselves to the front in the south and east.

So it would be a failure to subdue Putin military wisdom. Your logical card house will collapse. You have to make better arguments than merely subjugate, it would have been unwise to act at the same time as Crimea in Luhansk and Donetsk. Especially since the Ukrainian resistance on the Crimean Peninsula was almost unavailable in 2014.

6 months ago

And another straw man argument. No one denies the war in Donbass. Most users agree, as are most experts, that Russia was already actor there.

The fact that you see it as a group that is of an opinion is more likely that you are the only one with your “decision”.

6 months ago

You? Are you talking to me in the plural?

6 months ago

You’re right.

At least you’ll see that.

6 months ago

But if you try to see all wars as one

That’s a straw man argument, because I never claimed anything like that.

6 months ago

I’m referring to a Strawman argument. You could’ve figured that out of context.

6 months ago

I’m shocked… as a journalist you don’t know what a straw man is!?

6 months ago

What? Who is the great opponent of Putin? The straw man?

6 months ago

This is a vain request. Even if he now acknowledged your facts, he would say the opposite again tomorrow.

6 months ago

But if you try to see all wars as one

That’s a straw man. Please, stay objective.

6 months ago

I believe not that these two events belong together.

Right, you think. It’s all been said.

And the Palestine Israel War belongs there believe neither do I.

In contrast to Crimea, Luhansk or Donetsk is also not part of Ukraine. However, there are, of course, geopolitical interconnections with corresponding interests.

6 months ago

No, that’s all right. And you ignore that because it doesn’t fit into your worldview of evil Ukraine, which is due to your homeless being supposed to have less money available.

6 months ago

The bourgeois movement “Neurussia” has replaced him.


And no word from you to the Crimean Peninsula. You keep ignoring the point.

6 months ago

I’m glad you’re right to be wrong with the name of Wagenknecht in your list. Or did your “I give you the right.” not referring to it? If not, you completely ignored the part again.

The war in Donbas began after Russia had occupied the Crimean Peninsula. And there Russian soldiers fought with them, but without a military badge. They were Russian soldiers.

You fall into the Russian propaganda and then share it hard.

And that you will then set yourself in a row with Sahra Wagenknecht, who, despite their communist attitude, understands clearly who is the true aggressor in this war, is already three.