Warum drehen meine Lüfter beim PC hoch wenn ich ihn einschalte?
Habe seit ner Woche das Problem, dass wenn ich meinen PC hochfahre die Lüfter maximal hochdrehen und ich nur schwarzes Bild habe. Manchmal muss ich den PC über 5 mal aus und wieder an machen bis er normal hochfährt. Wenn er einmal hochgefahren ist funktioniert alles wunderbar. Woran liegt das und wie kann ich das beheben?
Is of course hard to say at a distance but it sounds a little bit like motherboard or BIOS a serious defect due to the faultless operation is rather unlikely your PC debug LEDs on the motherboard if yes what they show
Hello. I think my motherboard has no Debug LEDs. But I can remember that I made a BIOS update about a year ago. But after that, everything was wrong. I mean, it’s been a year, and I’ve had the problem for a week. LG
Without debug LED it is almost impossible to help without being on site
The CPU temperatures are usually okay so the behavior is very strange the big problem is to make a diagnosis completely impossible without passing through the symptoms do not really match each other and I am not 100% sure that there are no misunderstandings between us due to your low expert knowledge.
This system should look at a professional on site
Do you mean the power supply cable or the DisplayPort cable? And how does the fans turn to max all the time?
Okay your CPU has no graphics unit that f at the end of your CPU means that no graphics unit is installed
This speaks for me that the problem is not in the PC itself if it goes up and does not give a picture I could probably be the Tour Cable or Bush a problem
If your PC does not find a graphics card, the PC does not drive high
I also think the problem only occurs when the PC was out for a while. If it’s at once, and I’m gonna start the restart everything works. But whenever I get home from the work and the PC was out all day the mistake occurs. I just had to restart 7 times before he finally started.
Hello, I’m sorry I’m really not from the subject, it wasn’t a cable right and I put it back in, but unfortunately it wasn’t the solution for the problem it still happens. I don’t know if I have an internal gpu. Got an Intel i7 9700kf and an nvidia 2080 super.
Wait a minute from the graphics card to the motherboard that there are not graphics cards are connected via the PCI Express slot the graphics card is plugged into the slot there is no plug
Yes under load the PC works perfectly as usual. I’ve found a plug that wasn’t right there that went from the graphics card to the mainboard maybe that was the problem. But I can’t say that yet, yesterday I also restarted the pc couple times and it worked without problems and didn’t do it again today. I can say more tomorrow.
Sorry for the late answer
If I understood you right now, all fans run and you get the sound for driving up just no picture
So, if you have an internal graphics unit, iGPU speaks a graphics unit in your CPU it sounds a bit like your motherboard has problems recognizing your graphics card and then just use the CPU internal graphics unit that you can easily check your motherboard with an HDMI or DisplayPort output, plug the cable there
Maybe there’s a contact problem or your graphics card has something that works normal when the PC is up?
Hello. So the problem is unfortunately still there but can now say shortly after starting the pcs shows the debug led short white light at CPU and DRAM. And after that he shows VGA a little longer also in white led and then goes out again. What I also noticed the fans turn high it is black image but the windows sound when the PC is uplifted anyway. LG
So Bios is updated and after 5 times restarting the problem is no longer addressed. Give a little update tomorrow at the same time. Thanks for the tip that it could be the BIOS.
Hmm. Just saw that an update for my BIOS was released 3 months ago. I think I’ll try to update it again and see if it was already.
This can have as many different causes as there are sand grains on the beach. You won’t be able to answer this without guessing blindly.
You should look out for further vulnerabilities. Increased temperatures, sudden power breaks, etc. This can be a hint of the problem.
Hello, there are no other conspicuous features when the pc is up he runs quite normal until I turn him off again.
It must: give other vulnerabilities. They’re just harder to find. It’s certainly not done by magic.