Warum denken Leute, dass man nicht geheilt werden will?

Ich will von meinen Depressionen und anderen Problemen Geheilt werden, auf jedenfall.

Aber weil ich schon so lange diese Probleme habe, denken manche Leute, ich will nicht, dass es besser wird.

Doch, aber ich weiss nicht wie. Ich weiss nicht wie ich mein Gehirn Rebooten kann, damit ich wieder klar Fokussieren kann, damit ich wieder klare Ziele setzen kann, damit ich wieder Interessen habe, damit ich wieder Freude empfinden kann.

Ich würde es gerne, doch weiss ich nicht wie.

Wieso denken manche Leute, dass Psychische Probleme leicht lösbar sind wenn man nur Will?

Ich will, aber ich weiss nicht wie. Jeden Tag versuche ich mich zu Fokussieren, zu erinnern was mich Interessiert, wie ich wieder Freude empfinde, doch nur Leere….

Was mache ich falsch?

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6 months ago

If you’d like, you’d interrupt your whining for short attempts to actually do something. Of course, you would report this, either because you are proud of the achievements or frustrated that it did not work. But your entire account is still. You can’t because you don’t move, and you don’t move because you’re afraid to leave your comfort zone.

I wish that you will eventually get the curve – the fewest depressives will only be healed and then get the butt up, most of them are using the healing process when they force themselves to “life”…

No one says it’s simple, but no one has to listen to that it’s impossible.

6 months ago

Are you in therapy or are you using other professional help? Especially in mental illnesses, this is very important.

You can’t be cured by everything, but you can learn to deal with it better and live with it.

6 months ago

You feel comfortable in your victim role and should start working on your self-esteem. Then you can also go to social-psychological advice and get help. But you also have to contribute your share. No one will serve you health on the silver platter or with the postman. Change your profile name: from the editor to the creator. Be proud of the little things you have achieved.

6 months ago

As long as you expect you to be cured, nothing will change. You have to change, and you can.

Therapists are a good help as a guide to your way of improving, but you have to go for yourself.

6 months ago
Reply to  Aufgebaer

Set a small target and pursue it inexorably. You start with very small targets.

6 months ago

Okay, your decision, I wish you a nice evening, because I don’t waste my time here. Have fun blunting.

6 months ago

You don’t get to believe either. Stop talking. From tomorrow 8:00 a.m. 1 target per day and you’ll post it here until 10:00 a.m.

6 months ago

You ignore that inner question. You don’t have to listen to any question. that’s just an excuse for not doing anything.

Whatever it is, you just do it, don’t let anything stop you. 1 small target the day for the beginning. That’s not too much.

6 months ago

Depression is the cancer of the soul.

As a non-affected person, there is often a lack of the possibility to fill in. You do not notice what you have for a moebe to keep your head above the water where it is good for others to stand.

If you’re a little bigger than your grown-up plage spirit, you can evaluate everything as a matter of will, give him tasks and unintentionally ask for their fulfillment, for example

  • Just grow a bit.

Abhaengig as irritated the tuning inn is one can call serious, but promptly ask (!)

If the plage spirit then means, “you know how I mean it, please him

  • Of course, I still have the lawn in my parents’ garden. Could you please bring him over?

By these examples you can show that the soup is not eaten as hot as it is cooked

6 months ago

A visit to your profile serves the answer to the silver platter. You keep coming with other excuses around the corner to not work. You lost hops and malt. Take pride in the rows of your ancestors. That’s right.

6 months ago
Reply to  Aufgebaer

No, we’re very realistic and you’re just complaining and you don’t want to change anything. Good example of your answers to me.

6 months ago

Objective 1 go to a psychologist or psychiatrist and start a treatment. It won’t be better by yourself, and if you’re deep inside, you won’t get out on your own.

6 months ago

Sit a little target and don’t question everything, or talk out like that. You’re about to do something. And now I’m finally out.

6 months ago

A goal is too much? There are no half goals. If everyone can understand, another excuse, so bye.

6 months ago

You put that out. You’re guilty if you don’t do anything because you don’t have a bell to try. It looks up to date, because I offered you a solution.
You don’t even get it baked to pursue a little goal a day. How to evaluate it differently? You don’t even try it again, just lean away. You have to change, but refuse to do so, go ahead, you’re blunting.

And now enough of my side is debated because the time is gone.

6 months ago

You don’t want to use every little thing to get you out. That the way out is hard should be clear. There are only two ways, you keep blunting or you finally do something constructive.

That’s what you can say to you 100 more times, because you have to change 0.0 ambition.

And that’s the reality you don’t want to see.