Warum dauert Hinflug länger als Rückflug?

Also, ich bin einfach mal neugierig 🙂 Ich bin gerade aus dem Urlaub zurückgekehrt. Ich bin von Frankfurt nach Peking geflogen und 3 Wochen später zurück. Komischerweise dauerte der Hinflug 11 Stunden und 10 Minuten, der Rückflug aber exakt 10 Stunden. Und das obwohl das die gleiche Strecke und das gleiche Flugzeug war, zumindest das gleiche Modell. Woran kann das liegen? Zuerst dachte ich, dass die Maschine eine Umweg macht um schlechtes Wetter auszuweichen. Aber das kann nicht sein, da ich den Flug schon vor 4 Monaten gebucht habe. Und bei der Buchung schon standen die Flugzeiten so mit 1 Stunde und 10 Minuten mehr beim Hinflug. Interessiert mich einfach mal warum das so ist 🙂

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11 years ago

Hello Lothar1234,

ever thought of the tailwind? Sounds a bit weird, but this is one of the reasons why certain flights are going faster…. In addition to the power of the turbines, many aircraft can also be driven by the wind of the back, so that they are not only faster, but can also possibly save on tanks and can possibly be more environmentally friendly……

Best regards, BubaWu

11 years ago

I agree that the plane had a backwind with the shorter flight.

11 years ago

this is already due to the weather, the wind, air holes. that slows down the machine.

a flight to east often takes longer than a flight to west. not for free there is the well-known jetleg.

11 years ago

Google after “Jetstream”. These are constant winds at altitudes. The return flight was probably with “backwind”.

11 years ago

I don’t know if it’s the only factor, but the wind direction is very crucial!

Here you can find more: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/fair speed

11 years ago

The flight times are influenced by wind and earth rotation.

10 years ago

As a rule, flights to the east are faster than flights to the west. This is due to the fact that there are winds from the equator towards the north and they are then deflected to the east by the earth rotation (west wind). Thus, flights to the east can be reached at a speed of more than 1000km/h. lg F4F

11 years ago

1.The plane flew faster 2. … could not land as fast as the first time 3. … has flew a detour 4. You are wrong:)

11 years ago

Could it be that this has something to do with the different time zones?

11 years ago

With me, it’s always exactly different…Hinflug is shorter than return flight. I came back from Thailand last week and we needed Hin 12h and back 14h.

11 years ago

For example, if you drive with the road and drive against the wind to the baker, you need 10 minutes, and with the back wind you need for the same back only 7 min.
the whole name is jetleg

11 years ago

Because of the rotation of the earth…( turns from west to east)

11 years ago

Because of the TEST