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That you should eat late or even at night is bullshit. Unfortunately, this is a widespread myth that unfortunately is not true. For a long time, there have been some studies that have dealt with the topic of “being late”. AndNo Study was able to prove that you are more likely to increase when you take your dinner or eat something at night just before bedtime.
In addition, calories do not know any time. What are people doing in professions working at night? Are they all suddenly fat because they eat something late or night?
I know, even through long hospital stays some sisters, doctors let the night come also a pizza. Or policemen, airport staff, cleaning women etc. who eat late or night shifts late or at night.
The reason for this is that our body limits many metabolic and organ functions at night. This also includes stomach and intestinal activity. If you eat late at night, heavy and lush dishes can be digested badly. The food is literally hard in the stomach.
So just 2-3 hours before no more eating
What if you’re hungry?
Just eat. This could only lead to sleep problems if it is 2-3 hours before falling asleep.
Oh, shit.
I didn’t tell anyone that this is not possible and you can’t eat at night. Get more information before you write this and read it more
Do you have to be an expert for this Gossenjargon?
another bullshit. What do doctors, nurses, policemen, firefighters, paramedics, security and many other professional groups working in late and night shifts?
Many go home for dinner or breakfast, eat, go to sleep. Because the next layer is on. Can’t they all fall asleep?
If the FS is hungry, eat it.
Then I don’t eat
No one has forbidden it.
That’s just to fuck people
Why not eat at night?
I don’t know about health?
hm and what should that do to health?
That’s not true.
Is it a new
Who’s telling these b…?