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Do it if you like it. Men may also wear hotpants, but you should have beautiful shaved legs
Hello BluWhite,
in principle, there is nothing that prevents a man from this style of clothing.
However, there are ways of thinking in society that associate masculinity with a certain style of clothing that differs from some style that is again associated with feminity.
However, women have succeeded in penetrating into this fashion domain of men – but “man” expects from men a clear distinction their masculinity of femininity, discredited like men with female trains. This can result in men being humanly archaic in a strong “reproductive competition” compared to women. Consequently, every means is right to deter competitors as not real competitors.
Another and independent aspect can be the somewhat different body shape of woman and man. One or the other style of clothing may flatter a woman’s body. This must not be an exclusion criterion.
It would require the one or the other designer*in who brings the hot panties to men on the catwalk. This was already done with leggings, skirts and dresses, but has not yet prevailed.
Best regards
NO law prohibits this. Can also wear high heels, in the swimming pool swimsuit. Or a rock. Never mind.
But since it was a long, very long time that the woman was “women’s clothes” and men wearing “men’s clothes” you’re going to have to look partly stupid. It was like wearing pants as women.
And: in the minds not even less is still the thought: Why should a man want to be a woman and so “downgrade”? Long enough men have dominated the world – and still do it today.
May I. Then are very short shorts. Can you dress like you want, but you also have to live with the fact that this fashion taste does not allow everyone in the world.
And that there may also be people who draw their conclusions from it and also announce them loudly.
What are they supposed to say?
That it looks stupid, they could put speculations about your sexual orientation or just laugh at you.
May you, but then you have to live with the consequences.
Which one?
It’s not forbidden and can look good.
In the 70/80’s, men’s shorts were still very short.
It’s a man
Doesn’t have to please others
It’s not forbidden, but you should be shitstorm resistant.
There is no law that prohibits it.
Who says that? I’ve worn my whole life hot pans as a man in summer in leisure You just have to have a sexy body and be friendly.
Makes fire bubbles on the sneak, because it’s so far out.
Clamp it between the legs, then it is allowed.
Who forbids you? There is no law in which it says that men are not allowed to wear hotpants.
May I. There’s nothing in the German law book.
There is no law forbiding you.
It’s just unusual, all good
You can. It’s just a disgusting look.
So what? Gutdchi Gutdchi Gutdchi Gutdchi
But that is completely in the eye of the viewer. In my experience, this has nothing to do with vicious, but they only show themselves in their clubs, otherwise they do not fall through clothes.
It doesn’t look good and you don’t do it. Neither as a woman nor as a man
Why don’t you do that? What about the millions that do that?
You can. Is hold mega gay.
So what?
It is perceived negatively by society.
I can’t do it either.
Not traceable
Who forbids you?
Who said that? I mean it looks catastrophe but just wear it
If you can wear it, then you don’t have to wonder about people’s reactions.
Why should she and me be that no matter I have beautiful shaved legs and shaved feet
Why would they………? You don’t want me to answer that honestly.
Bro the weird yo would be too tight for me. My legs are sturdy built friends but to everyone his
Yes digga your much stable omggg krasss💪🏻(iron)