Warum darf ich im EU-Ausland mit B197 fahren?
Ich bin komplett verwirrt. 3-stellige Schlüsselzahlen sind doch nationale Schlüsselzahlen und gelten nur in Deutschland. B196 gilt zum Beispiel auch nur in Deutschland. Wieso darf ich dann mit B197 im Ausland fahren (auch Schaltfahrzeuge)??
Die Erweiterungen der Fahrerlaubnisklasse durch dreistellige nationale Schlüsselziffern gelten nur in Deutschland. In der Tabelle finden Sie Beispiele gängiger nationaler Schlüsselzahlen.
Because this is only a hint that the test was carried out on automatic.
Only has consequences for later extensions of the driving permit if you also complete it on automatic.
But with B196 (motorcycle driver license after 5 years class B) you can only drive inland, although it is a 3-digit key number?
Yes, this is an extension of class B, which is valid only in the country.
This is an addition to your B driving licence that does not apply abroad, B197 is a restriction that does not apply abroad.
You have to imagine. Whether 196 or 197, both are national key figures. The key figures would therefore be invalid abroad. But you still have class B, only the key number is invalid. This means that at b197 or b196 you have the normal B driving licence abroad. That’s why you can drive off the road.
Because it is a quite normal B with a national extension.
Because it has no meaning in foreign countries and what is no meaning is absolutely irrelevant so it doesn’t matter if you have this key number (which is used in D) or not.