Warum Brezeln vorher stehen lassen bevor sie in den Gärraum kommen?
Hi Leute ich hab eine Frage in der Backstube lassen wir immer den Wagen Brezeln etwas draußen stehen bevor wir ihn in den Gärraum schieben kann mir vllt jemand erklären warum das so ist habe das nie verstanden . Vllt liest das ja hier sogar ein Bäcker freue mich auf jede Antwort . PS: mache noch nicht so lange den Job . LG
The freshly kneaded and processed dough must first relax before it can go into fermentation. Thus, the crushes become more airy and looser in the crumb and also go up better and more evenly in the oven.
Thanks to them this helps me
Of course.
That’s what it looks like!
Thank you very interesting
For economic reasons, even in smaller bakery family farms, industrial finished blends with maturation accelerators are increasingly used for bread, bread, bread, etc.
As an assistant, however, you must only listen to the instructions of the Gesellen / Master for their product lines in preparation.
A pure natural dough without enzymatic additives would have to be You’re really Part let it pre-ripen cool at least 6-24 hours after kneading before it can bake in fermentation.
With enzymes, the whole of the maturation can sometimes be shortened to fractions of time, and in some cases the kneading time can also be reduced.
I work in a small business in the night shift in the bakery I am currently still in the trial period and need to learn a lot more
No, but I used to work for a family-run bakery chain. There we also had contact with the staff in the bakery.
In large production, more and more industrial baking mixtures have been used for various quantity products, even for simple “bread products”, where certain mixed enzymes artificially shorten the maturation process of the doughs for shorter rest periods.
LG, Gnurfy
Are you a baker?
Just ask the boss about it. He should be able to explain that to you.
Okay, thanks
Is in the air can be drawn in, e.g.
Or just because.
Okay, thanks
What a meaningful answer…🤦 ♀️