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8 months ago

The reason is that
similar nerve endings exist in mouth and anus. Sharp dishes, especially chili, therefore not only burn on the oral mucosa, but also usually again at the end of the anus. Special receptors are found in both mucous membranes.

Come on
capsaicin the fabric,
who makes the sharpness in the chilischote, adapts its structure exactly to the receptor and this reacts. In addition to the perception “sharf”, this sensor can also feel temperatures which then trigger the intestinal movement, blood circulation and the production of mucus and secretion and convey the unloved chili to the outside more quickly. Labels/po-fakten-zum-schmunzeln-154747.htm#:~:text=The%20bas%20ist%2C%20dass,Schleimh%C3%A4uten%20find%20sich%20spezielle%20receptors.

8 months ago


a good hot Chilly burns three times.

In the mouth, in the stomach and during excretion.

KFC has a special secret spice mix,

and there is nothing to be done.


8 months ago

Really? I also often eat sharp but burned it never

8 months ago

Not with me, but look for a real job, what you’re doing now is stupid.