Warum bleibt immer soviel Essen über?

Weihnachten, Geburtstag, grillen im Sommer oder zum Fußball ..

Immer wenn die Familie zusammensitzt und Gäste kommen bleibt zu viel über. Jeder bringt was mit. Am ende bleiben Mengen an fertig gegrilltem Fleisch, Salate , Baguette etc. über was am Ende weggeschmissen wird wenn es Tage später nicht mehr schmeckt.

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7 months ago

So there’s something left with us, but it’s just gonna be eaten the next day and good. That we can eat for days is never the case.

If this really is the case with you then just buy much less and maybe only half of it.

But when visiting there or standing up, you simply tend to buy more so that even really everyone gets tired. That’s actually quite normal.

7 months ago

Everyone wants to be filled and make a contribution to the celebration.

If food remains, you should give it to the guests best so that it can be consumed the next day.

Of course it’s a shame when food is thrown away.

I think it’s bad if there’s little food and everyone wouldn’t get fed up, that would fall back on the host.

7 months ago

We make it so the bread is eaten next day or is frozen.

Dinner and salads next day. If it is not green salad you can eat it for days also meat for a few days. Therefore, there are only 1 cake for my birthday because I don’t make coffee before, so there’s nothing left.

7 months ago


For example, if we invite to grill, we ask what people want to eat. And then you’ll be bought accordingly. And this with the salads is also denounced…

We never have anything left – except it is wanted! Quasi: “Mach two necks more, which I take the next day to work!” etc.

But no one has gone home with us…

7 months ago

You have to agree on whether and whoever brings with you, then everything can be planned much better.

7 months ago

Yes, because they want to offer enough for the special evening so that nothing is missing or even too little. Everyone can eat until he bursts and doesn’t have to stay back. Can be neatly sneaked without concerns and all say, horny evening. If you’re satisfied, you could still have invited mother-in-law, there’s still enough. 😁

7 months ago

Isn’t there anything like foodsharing with you in the area? There are places where you can take something. There are also refrigerators there. These places are called fair dividers.

It’s best to pack.

For example, I always lift the large packages for 1kg potato salad, or for 500 g margarine. They’re pretty stable.

Then I fill what was left and bring it to the nearest fair divider the next morning. Best with stickers what’s exactly in it plus date.

Some things could freeze on themselves.

7 months ago

It’s not like this. We talk about who does what and how much and we know how much everyone eats.

Then maybe a few potatoes and two-three pieces of meat are left and we will use that the next day.

7 months ago

Hello, if food is left you can take this with, dear greeting

7 months ago
Reply to  maxundmogli

You can also call the foodsharing or the board, which will take something like that

7 months ago

I am also in the foodsharing group and had left boiled things

7 months ago

All a matter of proper planning. In addition, many such residues can also be frozen.

Or you give the guests any food left.

7 months ago

Do you care about shopping, preparation and celebration? Or are they your parents?

If the latter: it’s none of your business, take care of your own life.