Warum bin ich so undankbar?

Ich bin 23 männlich, habe eine tolle Wohnung mir geht es gesundheitlich gut, ich verdiene mehr Geld als ich brauche aber bin trotzdem nie zufrieden. Ich gucke mir Youtube Videos an und werde auf andere Menschen neidisch, ob das jetzt twitch streamer sind oder ganz normale Motorradfahrer usw. Ich habe halt das besondere bzw mein Hobby noch nicht entdeckt im Leben. Nichts begeistert mich. Stattdessen beschäftige ich mich den ganzen Tag damit im Internet danach zu suchen wie man im Internet am besten Geld verdienen kann, obwohl es das einfach nicht gibt. Weder Apps noch bestimmte Internet Seiten. Warum bin ich so undankbar?

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1 year ago

Many pages on the Internet are designed to create whites and also make you jealous.And this is, of course, also the result of our consumer society.

Try a hobbies, maybe something creative.

PS: In addition, there is more appearance than being…

1 year ago

Don’t worry about it. If that’s too little for you, I’ll have a sports club, so for 1x a week or something similar, what could make you fun.

1 year ago

I don’t really think it’s “undankable”, rather I’d say you’re not really exhausted. You’re looking for a job, want to make careers, earn a lot of money, but don’t really get into action, but stay with your daydreams.

You won’t find what you’re looking for on the internet. Because you need to look in you, and you can do that all the less, the longer you are on the Internet. Turn off the computer for a few days and live so unplugged before you. Go for a walk in your spare time, read a book, meet interesting people, let yourself be inspected by real life. So you’ll find out what you really want to do, what your passion is. And then it makes sense to search on the Internet for opportunities, training, webinars, etc. that could bring you further.

For a successful start, I recommend the book “The Laws of Winners” by Bodo Schäfer. This book is a real start, careless, unambiguous and clear.

I wish you all good

1 year ago

Tip: Just leave the dream and fake world internet and go to the right (so analog) life.

What helps against self-destructive envy: Consider what you have and can and look at those who are not so good – that will be much more than those who are better.

1 year ago

Then just get out of the internet and find a real hobby that DI also fills. Then you don’t have to look for a service anymore.

1 year ago

If you don’t have the great hobby or the like (yet), start with the question of what and what you need the money, what you deserve.

1 year ago

Then let the internet go and try new things in real life