Warum bin ich so komisch beschnitten?
Die Frage stelle ich mir schon länger, aber jetzt muss ich doch mal richtig fragen. Also ich bin Muslim und natürlich beschnitten, aber das sieht bei mir anders aus als bei anderen. Bei mir kommt hinter der Eichel erst sowas rötlicheres und dann normale Hautfarbe.
Kann es sein, dass da mal was entzündet war und man das jetzt noch sieht? Weil das fühlt sich da auch anders an, aber es tut nicht weh oder so.
That’s the inner foreskin. This is normal as it is, are rather high cuts and most in Germany are rather low cuts. But this has nothing to do with inflammation and is normal. Don’t worry
This is probably the part that was lying in front of the trimming (internal foreskin) and directly below the acorn.
A pre-skin that has been removed from you consists of two skin layers. One outer, which looks like the skin on the shaft (and is actually constructed in this way). The inner skin layer of the foreskin (the similarity to a sensitive mucous membrane, and usually is brighter than the outer layer; often pink or red) connects to the outer skin layer at the front, at the top of the forwardly drawn foreskin. So that the fore skin is movable (i.e. can be pulled behind the acorn), these two layers must be completely independent from one another. The inner skin layer, which therefore adjoins the outer layer at the “tip” of the foreskin (on the “Rüssel”), has grown below the acorn.
Both skin layers are removed in the most common circumcision in this country. But because the acorn must not be hurt, there is almost always a small residue of the inner skin layer – from the acorn furrow to usually 5 to 10 mm. So few millimeters are often not visible due to wrinkles on the sleeping penis.
Variants of trimming can mean that the separated amounts of the outer and inner skin layers differ. This can result in more than the said 10 mm of the inner skin layer remaining. However, if, instead, more is separated from the outer skin layer in compensation, the somewhat longer remainder of the inner skin layer lies openly between acorn and scar – so to speak “smoothly stretched” toward the outside – and always visible.
So it’s obvious to you. This is a completely normal variant that actually occurs more often in Europe with Muslims than with boys who have been circumcised for purely medical reasons.
What you have is called “high” (high = high; because the scar is “high” on the shaft, so “over” the red skin ring of the former front skin side. What the other guys have is called “low” circumcision, because the scar lies “low” (= low) on the shaft, i.e. “bottom” right behind the acorn.
Thanks for the explanation
Thank you.
Then I will not respond directly to this from respect for your religion. If you want to know more about my profile, check out my answers. Other questions are so clear that you don’t have to look for long.
I’m a Muslim, I can’t talk about this 😅
But no I don’t know what there are for special methods.
I guess you know what great methods you’ve got for it…?
What’s SB?
Yeah, that can be absolutely. It has no real disadvantages. Many who have it so even say that they have advantages: This red retinal stripe from the back of the skin is more sensitive than the rest of the skin. It was “inside”. This means that it feels “other” than the rest, as you write. This is seen as an advantage by most people who have it like this, because overall the circumcision is more likely to lower the sensitivity of the penis – so that you feel less intense during sex and at the SB than with fore skin. So if something remained from the very sensitive inner side of the foreskin, this reduces the loss of sensation in many. So enjoy what you have!
Yeah, that can stay like that, right? So I don’t have cons of this now, do I?
Your 👍 tells me I actually helped you. I’m glad. Are there any further requests?
This is a rest of the inner foreskin. Most of them are trimmed so that a rest of it remains.
Unlike other Muslims, you still have the inner foreskin.
oh, is that somehow prescribed that Muslims should not have an inner foreskin anymore?