Warum bin ich nett ..?
Ich mag es irgendwie nicht an mir dass ich nett bin. Aber irgendwie weiß ich auch dass ich kein guter Mensch bin. Und ich hasse es aber als nett angesehen zu werden aber irgendwie will ich meine Freundschaften nicht zerstören was tun ?
What do you mean “net”?
Does that have any relationship?
There are men who think they don’t get a woman because they’re supposed to be “too nice”. But maybe it’s another reason for you.
Being nice is not bad.
But you should also stand up for your own needs.
You have to find a meaningful balance.
I’m trying to be nice. But if there’s something that limits me, I’ll say so. You can also pronounce kindly. And you don’t lose friends either by saying if you don’t have time.
“But somehow I know I’m not a good person. “
What do you mean?
Sorry….deine question
…“why am I nice” and the included placative own assessments …like “nett” and “no good person”….
..record clearly other psychographic features of your person, your behavior for the outside viewer.
Are you honest with yourself?
…and….ach yes…. please don’t go back to the explanatory apology delivered…
Quote: “Which somehow owes to the upbringing of your parents….as a vicious spiral”
Life offers enough time and space to develop and find WEITER.
You want everyone to like you and act accordingly.
Kind of owed to your parents’ education.
With the negative effect that you are not taken seriously from your environment (keyword: “Duckmäuser”).
Luckily you’ve recognized this devil’s spiral.
Develop more self-confidence and authority!
I can’t follow you brother
because your question makes no sense brother
Ohh brother 😂😂😂
From instinct.