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4 months ago

…………….. A 250 ml can Red Bull contains 80 mg of caffeine, i.e. about as much as a cup of coffee – depending on the type of preparation and bean. Besides, 27 grams of sugar – this corresponds to about nine pieces of dice sugar. But back to effect.

About ten minutes after Consumption by Red Bull, the caffeine gets into the bloodstream. The result: heart rate and blood pressure begin to rise. After 15 to 45 minutes, the caffeine effect reaches its peak. You feel awake and concentrated. The blood sugar level is also at the highest level after 20 minutes, the sugar stimulates the brain’s reward system and releases the bliss hormone dopamine. Who wants to fly should do it in the next few minutes.

Because only a short time later, consumers will be backed up by the wings. One hour after drinking, the sugar is processed and the effect of caffeine again leaves. You start feeling tired and energyless again. One becomes more irritable or nervous. After five to six hours, half of the caffeine is broken down again, after twelve hours – depending on the body – completely.

4 months ago

Because the teaching is boring.