Warum bin ich in so Fächern wie Geschichte, Powi, Ethik… so schlecht schriftlich?
mir fallen so Fächer wie oben gennant total schwer und meistens habe ich 0-6 Punkte, obwohl ich den Inhalt komplett verstehe und kann?
wie kann ich das trainieren und auf was sollte ich achten?
I’d start by looking at the reviews of your old exams. Where exactly do you lose many points, there is a pattern? Right there you have to sit.
In all humanities one has to reproduce something and then apply to the given facts, in history of historical context, in philosophy (ethics) the theory of this or that philosopher. Do you always have many points in reproduction? If so, what about the application? Can you, for example, explain in ethics a situation given in the exam from the point of view of positions discussed in teaching?
If the learned person does not present a problem, it can also often be of formalia. Here is an introduction to forget a transfer and elsewhere a conclusion, can quickly provide weighty point deductions even though you can actually do better.