Warum bin ich in der Pillenpause geschützt?

Ich bin 7 Tage geschützt in der Pillenpause, aber wenn ich die Pille vergesse bin ich nicht geschützt? Beidemale fehlt dem Körper für eine kurze Zeit Hormone.

Wann bin ich überhaupt komplett geschützt in der Pillenpause? Nachdem ich ALLE 21 Pillen ohne Einnahmefehler eingenommen habe?

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2 years ago

The pill also protects against unwanted pregnancy during the intake pause,since the period of hormonal withdrawal is too short for the complete ripening of an ice. However, this applies only if the pill has been correctly taken in the three weeks before and the withdrawal period has not been extended.

You can read everything online.

Through the 3 weeks of continuous intake, one is protected in these 7 free days.

2 years ago

Very good question!

The next question would be what the break should be good at all…