Warum bin ich immer müde?

Egal wie viel ich schlafe, ich bin trotzdem immer müde. Ich mache täglich Sport und ich bin körperlich fit, aber trotzdem fühle ich mich schlapp. Woran kann das liegen und habt ihr Vorschläge wie ich das ändern kann? Ich habe auch Augenringe die einfach nicht weggehen, obwohl ich ausreichend Schlaf habe. (Ich weiß dass Augenringe genetisch bedingt sein können, aber früher hatte ich keine)

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7 months ago

Why don’t you tell your family doctor, maybe you have a very low blood pressure or something completely different.

7 months ago

Too little drinking? Eating?

The body needs energy and if you are so active, healthy nutrients and sufficient calories.

Eye rings are almost always genetic.

I’d have a blood check on your doctor.

Maybe you have an iron deficiency, B12, or D3 deficiency.

Good for you.

7 months ago
Reply to  Qwertz69o

Do you eat enough?

7 months ago

Let’s examine you with the doctor, maybe you have a deficiency, possibly iron or vitamin B or vitamin D

7 months ago

You write yourself,

Dear Quertz,

“I do sports every day and I’m physically fit.”

Still, you feel slapped, even though you sleep enough!

Your body sends you an impressive warning signal through this exhaustion syndrome, which you should note!

Very many people in our society who believe to feed themselves healthy and balanced take only a fraction of the micronutrients, which their body needs, today, through the conditions of production and subsequent marketing and handling of our natural foods such as fruit and vegetables.

This is mainly due to the fact that the soils on which our fruit and vegetables are grown and growing are now leached on minerals, etc., in such a way that the fruit and vegetables grown on them can no longer be adequately supplied in the last 20, 30 years, which affects the quality of the foods, so that the human being, in the end, takes less and less vitamins and others. In addition, the fruits grow much too fast due to their high breeding and also produce even less vital substances.

Once the fruit or vegetables have been harvested, such as tomatoes or cucumbers from the Netherlands, potatoes from Egypt strawberries from Spain, etc., it often travels for days during the delivery to the supermarkets and discounters, where it will be sold for several days. And when the consumer finally sold them, they are often stored at home in the refrigerator for days, etc., until they are finally consumed.

At the latest at this point in time, all of these continuous stages have lost so many vitamins etc. that at the end, during consumption, no more much, i.e. Hardly enough is available!

When I read your explanation in your question, I spontaneously thought: D a s sounds like a blatant micronähstoff deficiency! So I thought first of all, if your body should be adequately supplied with vitamin B12? In Germany, over half of the people suffer from a disturbed B12 supply! And the rest moves at the lower minimum. But not at healthy values! The same applies to the sunvitamin D!

In addition, the body also receives important antioxidants, such as the vital coenzyme Q10, which allow every single cell of our body for the maintenance of mitochondria in the cells, power plants, all life through their energy they provide, to an insufficient extent. With the result that the human being always feels blurred and energyless! What plays an important role in Coenzyme Q10 for our body and for each of our Triliiards of Cells is not clear to most physicians at all, as they do not know anything at all in their training and after their studies, as vitamins etc. do not belong to their training! And only specialist physicians, such as the few Orthomolecular physicians who practiced in Germany, who have further developed in this way, know about this, with their knowledge still moving at a frightening and inadequate level.

I would first advise you on a multivitamin preparation, an A-Z which contains all essential micronutrients in fundamental doses. Then I would recommend you a Q10 preparation from body-owned Kaneka-Q10. And then, above all, a highly dosed time-delayed vitamin C preparation (1000 mg/tablet). And then another vitamin B complex and natural vitamin E. The sufficient supply of magnesium is also crucial. And Selen! And of course vitamin B12 in drop form and also vitamin D3 + K2 in drop form. Before the vitamin D preparation, however, you should take blood from your physician and let your vitamin D level be determined so that you know how much you need to feed. A vitamin D level of 45 – 65 is considered good.

All these vital substances are part of the decisive gear that keeps the body on fubctioning. They all work together and if only one of them is not present in sufficient form, the whole system, the human body, comes into the shingles. And reacts first with exhaustion! What is to be understood as a warning signal that the body sends out to provide it with all micronutrients again!

I recommend you go to the “zentrum-der-gesundheit.de” on the Internet. This health portal provides satisfactory and detailed information about all these relationships! And then I would strongly recommend that you read the book of the scientific journalist Andreas Jopp:

“Risk factor vitamin deficiency: metabolism and immune system in top form. More power and stable psyche.” Fit instead of persistent, more energy, stress-resistant and stable psyche. The book actually belongs to any doctor’s practice as a standard work, as well as to any private household. It is indispensable! Call Amazon and read the notes and reviews. According to my knowledge, it is one of the best books, even if it neglects the Q10 and vitamin C. There are also helpful tips for dosing individual vitamins etc.

Then stay to me, dear Qwertz, to say goodbye to you today! I would be happy if I could give you some small ideas that make you a little active in this direction. Bedenke: The majority of your health is in your hand! Therefore, it is important to be the first self-responsibility for his health and to act as an oral patient and to take his health into his own hands! At no time there were better opportunities than today!

All good wishes, dear Qertz, good recovery from your exhaustion and always best health!



7 months ago
Reply to  Regilindis

In Germany, a balanced diet is easily possible and a shortage of micronutrients is extremely rare. Only the complaints of manufacturers of food supplements paint threatening anxiety scenarios on the walls.

A healthy diet usually makes a supplement unnecessary. Exceptions can be iodine and vitamin D. Experts therefore recommend using iodized salt. The vitamin D level can be increased after medical consultation with a nutrient deficiency with appropriate vitamin D preparations. [Link)

So before you fall into vitamin preparations, a doctor’s visit would be useful to identify a deficiency. More vitamin C than the body can absorb is, for example, pure waste of money.

7 months ago

Hello Qwertz69o.

You should go to the doctor and have your blood examined.

You could have a deficiency.

💕 greetings star