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8 years ago

Hello NenoWolf,

I have a girlfriend who says every time she’s grumpy, “I’m so irritable today, must be full moon.” I’ve been accustomed to checking every time she says that before her eyes on the cell phone, what lunar phase we actually have…. this has her guess that the poor moon could be due to its bad mood quickly led absurdum.

And because a single example does not say much: There are real studies on this:

In 1994, McFarlane and Williams had several women lead diary across their daily mood swings over a longer period. After that, they interviewed all students, asking them whether they had the impression that their bad mood had been correlated with the full moon. About 1/3 of the participants confirmed this. Only: These so reminiscent mood worsenings
Full moon did not find itself in the diary recordings at all.The coincidence of the bad mood with the full moon existed only in memory, but not in the days when the respective diary entries were written.

What does that mean?

Our subconscious means it well with us. It adapts our memories unconsciously (and completely unaffected by us and unnoticed). These deep-psychological processes (which are an important topic in witness statements in court) are the cause of all kinds of myths about the poor full moon.

Scientific investigations of all these myths repeatedly show that the felt gradations at full moon are not present. Neither are more children born at full moon, nor are they sleeping on average worse, or more violent acts or accidents happen.


8 years ago
8 years ago

Maybe you have some werewolf genes in you. So you’re not quite a werewolf, so you don’t change, but at full moon your fabric womb turns through a bit

8 years ago
Reply to  NenoWolf

and again such a stupid hyperactive Kiddy that is firmly convinced; that it has supernatural powers

8 years ago

Because you’re NenoWolf.