Warum bietet die Anti-Baby-Pille erst nach 7 Tagen optimalen Schutz?
warum bietet die Pille erst nach 7 Tagen optimalen Schutz vor einer Schwangerschaft, wenn man nicht am ersten Tag der Menstruation beginnt, sie einzunehmen?
Vielen Dank für die Antworten im voraus!
The effect has to build up. At the beginning of the 1st day of the period, you are not really protected by the pill, but you can’t get pregnant anyway and if you come near the fertile days, the protection has long since built up.
But an average period lasts less than seven days, doesn’t it?
The duration of the period bleeding has nothing to do with how long it needs for egg ripening without hormonal contraception from the first cycle day.
If short cycles are really flotted, it is still at least 5 days, on average last 14 days.
If you do not start with the pill on the first day of the cycle (then the egg ripening would be stopped right from the start), the egg ripening has already begun and it takes a few pill days to stop it.
Yes, of course. But it takes 7 days until the pill works. This has nothing to do with the duration of the period.
That’s right.
All right.
So, in general, regardless of the pill and the length of my cycle/period I cannot get pregnant in the first 7 days??
I told you. The first day of your period you are not protected by the pill. You’re protected, but not by the pill. Your body can’t get pregnant this day. And not the six following.
If the pill would always need 7 days to build up its protection, the 7-day rule would also have to count for taking from the first period day.
However, since the pill, when you start it on the first day of menstruation, provides immediate protection (after menstruation) and not, as if on any other day of the cycle, after 7th. Can the pill build its protection faster during the period?
In order to keep the health hazards due to the pill as low as possible, the active ingredient is only very low dose, so it takes a while until the hormone level has built up.