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8 months ago

That you need only one support for x hours and not for 40.

Often it has budget reasons – if a part-time worker has worked there before, then you cannot simply make a full-time job. (without going to large companies through x processes that may last for some years). This was not planned, so it’s not so easy.

8 months ago

that is because the AG does not need a full-time employee. 2 employees can replace a full-time employee. As a result, the AG is better handled in case of a disease. In addition, it is easier to dismiss parttime workers. Parttime primarily has more advantages for the AG. The AG also saves by overtime. In the case of parttime, you often collect more overtime when the workload is not fulfilled in the actual working time. These overtimes are not paid up to 100% and, in the worst case, paid for on holiday

8 months ago
Reply to  Blablablaaaaah

No. Because if an AN does two overtimes a day, they will only be paid 80% or devalued as a holiday claim. For example, at a 30-hour week every day 2h overtime in retail is 40 h week. So, full-time. However, the 10 hours overtime will only be paid up to 80% or as a holiday. With stressful jobs, the holiday is often chosen. This is why the employer prefers a part-time worker than a full-time worker. Especially because overtime is not fully paid.

In addition, the AG is secured when one leaves the company. Keeping eyes open to such employers

8 months ago

Full time you have to pay full, part time only partly.

So it’s just about saving money because you have to pay part-time people less.

In most cases, however, there is simply not enough work for full-time workers.

8 months ago

Some employers only need parttime workers.

For different reasons.

8 months ago

Often officially work/paid part time and work full time. Many companies are simply unable to pay the high minimum wage.

8 months ago

Tax benefits for employers

8 months ago

There is not enough work for full-time.