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I also find that Burger King tastes better, but nevertheless this is not a fact, because tastes are different. So there are also people who prefer to go to Mc Donald’s just for the taste.
If you take it carefully, both are not the true one, because it is not healthy, nor keeps tired longer. But that’s on another sheet.
Local availability. Especially marketing and advertising. The brand has been positively occupied by many since childhood days. And also later, this is hard to change, although many know that the products are scrap and Mc Donalds is one of the largest environmental polluters in the world.
This is similar to expensive brand clothing for young people: clothes with imprint Nike are particularly expensive and therefore have a special value. McDonalds is also more expensive than others.
How do you get to the verdict?
Own taste?
In both “Great” can speak.
Did you get the revelations about the conditions at Burger King?
Maybe that’s a reason for popularity…
I don’t think that’s cheaper… But it sometimes tastes better
Because the people of advertising believe it doesn’t taste good or cheap.
With us it is because there are 3 BK but 18 MD.