Why do I prefer rhythmic music to melodic music?
Why do I prefer rhythmic music, with a regular, almost robotic rhythm, over melodic music?
It's almost as if my brain only likes music that's "logical," if you know what I mean. Not chaotic music, but music that follows very clear rules, repeating itself over and over again, but with some controlled change every now and then.
That's why I don't like jazz, for example, because it's too random. I need music that my logical brain can clearly categorize. Is that because I'm autistic?
I also like drum-like music, or generally music with strong, heavy percussion that repeats itself rhythmically over and over again in a trance-like manner, with controlled changes here and there.
Many people would find my taste in music very boring. Does that mean there's something wrong with me?
It is quite common that people have different preferences for certain music genres or styles. Your preference for rhythmic music with clear rules and regular repetitions could be due to your brain preference for structure and order. Music with a strong rhythm can have a calming effect and give a sense of control.
It is important to understand that individual music preferences are very subjective and not necessarily express something about your personality. It does not necessarily mean that something is wrong with you, just because your music taste is felt by others as boring. Everyone has different preferences that can be influenced by different factors, such as personal experiences, education or simply individual preferences.
It is also not unusual that people with autism have certain preferences or dislikes in terms of sensual stimuli, including music. If you are worried or want to learn more about your preferences, you could talk to a skilled person who can help you understand and accept your preferences better.