Warum betrachten viele Menschen Bürgergeld so kritisch?

Sobald man Bürgergeld bezieht bekommt man auch schnell Vermittlungstermine und wer diese nicht wahrnimmt wird sanktioniert. Und wer diese wahrnimmt wird dann in einen Job vermittelt da er ja sonst auch sanktioniert wird. Da frag ich mich wieso es trotzdem kritisch betrachtet wird und wieso so viele behaupten das man einfach bürgergeld beziehen kann und fertig, wenn man doch sowieso zur arbeit verpflichtet wird oder entsprechend sanktioniert wird bis man so wenig geld hat das selbst den größten harzer das nicht reicht.

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9 months ago

if you are obliged to work anyway

man you have not to work, but to is obliges itself to generate its own livelihood in the context of its health possibilities. You do not have to be obliged to you are you already in your own interest. Because society is not responsible for you if you do not want to take this responsibility.

9 months ago

Why so many have seen the citizen’s money so critical. One reason: populism.

It has always ruled the media and the powerful against the poor.

That with the exchange talks or better said with the placement proposals. This is such a thing. Some have a regular conversation every three months, some have not. The better qualified you are, the more likely. Leave the job center alone.

Basically, the job center usually only has jobs in the minimum wage in the low wage sector or on loan work and that is nothing they can offer high-skilled or people with a higher degree. This leads, for example, to the fact that people with the degree of study that relate to civil money at the Jobcenter are left to rest as much as possible.

The specialists fear the more effort that can arise through judicial processes.

9 months ago

Because most people do not really know how civil money works or does not work.

9 months ago

Why do many people consider civil money so critical?

Citizens’ money is not seen critically.

But the sloping useThis is being criticized.

9 months ago

I only partially understand your question.

And the part I understand and answer to the other, you don’t understand.

Elder 77″ answered correctly, “interested” gave correct response to a partial question and you don’t understand zocker 0796 – your answer doesn’t fit.

Probably you are one of the few who are just sanctioned because someone has seen in office, you could work and want to mediate you. Well, the others aren’t there to feed through working people. Or who do you think you’re paying your cash?

Is that right now? Or not at all.?

9 months ago
Reply to  HerrWeilner

I don’t read through your other nuts. Either you answer here or you leave it.

9 months ago

Sanctions are the exception.

The system doesn’t work like that.

9 months ago
Reply to  HerrWeilner

Sanctions are largely dispensed with in the initial period of the reference.

9 months ago

Because about the citizen’s money, many untruths are told.

Many claim: You get cash. And then there are no more obligations.

With citizen money you get more money than someone with the lowest, normal wage.

We have to ask the question in general.

Whether you can manage the next 70 years.

Like the last 70 years.

Or whether you’re not going to another pay model.

Will there be so many jobs in the future to provide all citizens with jobs?

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, digitization and. Computation of jobs. See Auto Industry.


Zb.: Building with 3D printers.

Zb.: Urban administration.

By AI, 50% of the employees in the town hall could be saved.

9 months ago
Reply to  tkyle

At present and foreseeable time, however, we have a lack of labour.

9 months ago

Single parent with three children gets in the month with state maintenance 3,000.- net. Do you deserve so much?