Warum beschuldigen viele Deutsche Türken und Araber als Diebe?
Ich war oft einkaufen mit meiner Frau wir beide sind deutsche und neben uns ist ein junger Araber und sein Kumpel ist Türke
Habe nachgefragt deswegen bin ich mir zu 100% sicher
Auf jeden Fall war die kassiren extrem Rassistich zu den ausländer und hat gemeint beide sollen die Taschen aus räumen und am Ende haben sie nix gestohlen sie waren unschuldig
Warum werden oft ausländer als Sündenbock benutzt für Sachen die sie nicht gemacht haben
Prejudice often arise from ignorance and fear of the unknown. Limited experiences with other cultures and negative media coverage strengthen stereotypes. In addition, economic and social tensions can lead to minorities being judged unfairly.
Prejudice (positive and negative) arise from experience and are vital. Finally, it is necessary to estimate in fractions of a second who is involved.
In most cases, foreigners are regarded as bad because there are many foreigners who are behaving, and the media keep thinking about Germans who are all foreigners.
When Foreigners once steals, not all foreigners are thieves.
And when German are not all the German thieves.
Through media and rumours, many people are misled, and this leads to a chain reaction, and the AfD makes the whole worse.
Because of the press, the
Read the news and then you’ll get it!
The boys would have to show them about slandering. Because you’re nice and you don’t want to be in trouble, the cashier can still be so bad.
It makes this from personal problems and social envy etc.
The cashier often makes it with people from Romania
You’re exaggerating. If there’s suspicion of theft, she’ll be allowed to search. I myself worked as a salesperson and as a foreigner also caught German people
You can refuse. They then risk, however, that the police will be called and that will then carry out a thorough search. Then they can reimburse an ad for false accusation. Just don’t care.
now this is new
My wife and I have often experienced this
May I
Because some of you are more likely to notice this.