Warum bekommt Kiel eine Straßenbahn und keine Hochbahn?

Moin, in Kiel soll ja wieder eine Straßenbahn gebaut werden. Allerdings wird das die Verkehrsprobleme noch einmal stark erhöhen, die Straßen sind jetzt schon überlastet. Das könnte man umgehen, indem meine eine Hochbahn baut, zum Beispiel eine einfach monorail. Warum wird das nicht erwogen?

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11 months ago

A high-speed train is more comparable to a subway. The entry and exit points require a lot of space and therefore cannot be integrated into the existing cityscape as in a tram.

The tram will be an enrichment for all those who use local traffic, because it offers much more space and comes past every traffic jam thanks to its own lane. Anyone who continues to rely on individual traffic in the city centre must be restricted for the good of all.

10 months ago

A tram is fast. A high train rather slow.

2 months ago

If the streets on which it drives are wide enough so that it gets its own railway body, then the tram will quickly move forward and be a good public transport that is already comparable to a high-speed or subway.

Unfortunately, it’s totally badly regulated in Düsseldorf. On many sections of the route neither the trams nor the so-called city railways have their own railway body (in this case the name of the city railway is actually no longer justified), so that the tram is just as imbued as the cars.

11 months ago

Maybe you want to make individual traffic more unattractive. Wouldn’t make sense.

11 months ago

Go to Zurich that you know how to do it.
The MIV was redirected at that time and the trams were on every traffic light.

Cab Ride Zürich Tram 17 Full Line | Bahnhofstrasse – Werdhölzli Cab Ride [4K] (youtube.com)

11 months ago

Your argument is bullshit.

A high-speed train would be built over an existing road and would therefore affect traffic in the same way during the construction phase.

After the construction phase, more people have to travel by tram and thus relieve traffic.

11 months ago

Can you ask a citizen’s request whether they have also taken into account and tested high-speed trains in planning.
Let your elected representative work.

11 months ago

The problem is not the tram, the problem is the private car. If he stays outside, there’s room on the street.

A high railway or subway or monorail costs incredibly much money

11 months ago
Reply to  LongsbieHD

The Americans are, of course, completely relevant for the costs of public transport.

And 20% cheaper than what: 20% cheaper than a highway or a cable car or a line Zeppelin?