Warum bekommen solche Pizzen gute Bewertungen?

Ich habe mal bei einer “Pizzeria” bestellt gehabt. Und die Pizzeria hörte sich zumindest italienisch an und zwar, “Pizzeria Bella Casa”.

Als die Pizza ankam, wurde ich des besseren belehrt! Ich bin ein absoluter Käsefan, aber selbst für mich war das zu viel Käse, der Teig war zwar dick aber fluffig also ganz ok, und die Pizza war generell sehr fettig.

Noch dazu war das eine Pizza, die defintiv nicht aus dem Steinofen kam, sondern aus diesen komischen, Elektro Pizzaofen.

Ich habe mich halt nur wegen den Rezensionen zu dieser Pizzeria, dazu überreden lassen, mir dort eine Pizza zu bestellen.

Alles in allem hat es geschmeckt wenn ich ehrlich bin, war dennoch unzufrieden! Ich war schon oft beim Italiener, und WEISS was gute Qualität bedeutet. Das war keine gute Qualität… ich trau nich Wetten, dass hier geriebener “Ja! – Käse” verwendet wurde.. bei uns in Österreich wäre es die Marke “Clever” statt “Ja!” Und billige Pomodorososen…

Die Kruste war nicht typisch italienisch, und wies keine typischen “Brandkrusten” auf die eine italienische Pizza aufweist. Kann sie ja nicht, da sie im Elektro-Ofen gebacken wurde…

Eine Pizza war das jedenfalls nicht… generell eine “Pizza” die nicht aus dem Steinofen kommt ist für mich keine Pizza. Ebenso diese “American Pizzas” für mich ist das (Brot mit Pizza Auflagen)…

Warum aber bewerten Menschen sowas als Pizza gut? Sind das Menschen die nie eine Pizza aus dem Steinofen gegessen haben? Man schmeckt schon ob es ein Fremder (meist Inder) gemacht hat oder ein Italiener!…

Eigentlich würde ich die Pizza mit 1 Stern bewerten und das nur weil der Lieferant so nett war.. aber mit einer Pizza hatte dieses belegte Brot aus dem Elektro-Ofen nichts zu tun gehabt.

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5 months ago

As you say, for You it’s just a pizza when it comes out of the stone oven. I also like to eat real Italian pizza, but in the end I don’t care what it is baked as long as I like it. If it’s 5€ cheaper and tastes a little cheaper, I’m right. I also find the fat and overloaded pizzas from the USA great.

So, the reviews are so good, because others do not just have this one standard and also rely on something else. If you don’t like it, you never have to order it again.

5 months ago

But why do people evaluate this as a pizza?

Because it tasted them.

You don’t.

You’ll be able to disastrate the financial loss of one of you, in your opinion, not optimal pizza, and after it seems that your stomach has survived without consequential damage, I don’t know why we have to talk about it now.

And if “authentic” Italian cuisine is so important to you, you might want to order where you can’t even read out the name that it should just sound Italian.

5 months ago

Maybe that’s how many people like pizza.

Or it could also be that the pizzeria has a large circle of friends and kinship, and because there are many gratitude assessments.

And you can also buy Google reviews.

5 months ago

Sounds more like a deliveryando backyard kitchen with 150 dishes on the map. I don’t expect anything from such shops.

There are also very good Italians who bake the floor without the properties you want in a stone oven. Then it is not a Neapolitan type or pinsa, but still crispy and tasty. And even then, at least on the ground, there are some fire marks.

5 months ago

With pizza, the tastes are very different, I think. I like the pizza like you, but other people think some dark spots on the pizza edge for a NoGo. Some even eat frozen pizza 😉.

On reviews you can’t always give so much. Book it under experience and no longer order.

5 months ago

Can I imagine that friends of owners or similar biased people have made the reviews. Such very good reviews are easy to buy because you have to watch and this is unfortunately hard to find out without tasting it yourself or by friends etc.

5 months ago

The tastes are different. Italian traditional dishes are very rare in this country, even in Italian restaurants. With my “real” Italian, the pizza is more American style and the Carbonara with cream and press meat. The prices are so high that you could expect a more authentic experience.

5 months ago
Reply to  baumfrosch25

Yeah, it was a real Italian. The pizza was not much better, but in any case quite different. In any case, it felt like being with the Italian and not with MC Donalds.

5 months ago

I don’t know what it’s about, but we have an absolutely tasty restaurant, from which everything just tastes and everything is homemade, but on Deliveryando only comes to a score of 3.8/5. Another thing in which the Döner is from the chopper and the sauces are finished products on 4.8/5. It is only good that the boss often delivers himself and is very cumbersome.

5 months ago

Easy. Because the pizza tastes them.

5 months ago

Pizza from an electric oven would be too expensive! < that does not make (!) pizzeria!? o_O

Not to mention that pizza must be fat! Ideally you have a cheese with over 40% fat content; after all, fat is a flavor carrier!

From this I could imagine that the pizza in Germany is more adapted to the German palate. If you have eaten good pizza in Italy, you will find very quickly that it tastes completely different!

But then 5x is as expensive as with us! XD Naja, not so expensive, but 20€ for a Margherita or 45€ for a Salami pizza is an absolutely fair price!

From this: I think that the pizzas have received so good reviews because the pizzas are “top!!!!” and you (!) just have another idea of pizza!

P.S.: If I get a pizza with “Brandkruste”, I’ll sue the pizza!