Warum bekomme ich kein Vakuum bei einem Weckglas mit Flachrand?

Ich habe einige ältere Weckgläser bekommen und schon viel damit ei gekocht. Das hat alles gut funktioniert bis auf die mit dem Flachrandglas (siehe Foto). Habe die neuen Gummis von Weck genommen und die Gläser mit einer Bügelklammer verschlossen und ins Wasserbad gestellt. Sie bilden jedoch kein Vakuum. Woran kann das liegen? Brauche ich da spezielle Gummis?

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5 months ago

Do I need special rubbers?

Unfortunately, I have too little practical experience with wake glasses as I usually only use Twist Off glasses.

The only thing I can write out from my own experience is that the rubber ring must fit exactly, it must not form a curvature when the cover is placed, but must continue to lie smoothly on both the edge of the glass and on the edge of the cover.

Thus, if the inner diameter of the rubber ring is, for example, a few millimeters smaller than the inner rim diameter of the cover, the rubber ring V is flanged as soon as the cover is placed.

for example: 10 cooking rings 96 x 118 for flat edge glass


The clamps should also have enough tension, so it could be possible that you also need stronger clamps.

5 months ago
Reply to  Sarahs4ve

Unfortunately, I can’t write to you for lack of experience.

Questions, however, don’t cost anything… so it might be useful/helpful to write to WECK’s customer service and maybe to attach a few more pictures.

If you have any questions about cooking, please contact us by emaileinkochen@weck.de – so we can best forward your request to the appropriate contact person and give you a detailed answer and help.

Source: https://www.weck.de/kontakt/

Another possibility would be to ask Steffi. :

I only cook for myself, but if I needed replacements for my Twist Off glasses, for example, then glasses and bottles would be the first point of contact for me about this topic.

Glasses and bottles (Steffi cooks) and shop

YouTube channel:

5 months ago


Look at the discussion. If I understand it correctly, it seems to be on the brackets or rubbers. But look for yourself…

5 months ago

Place the glass on the head