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5 months ago


I can totally understand why you want to delete social media. It can be really negative if you are constantly exposed to this perfectly staged life and body. Instagram & Co. are sadly full of people who always only show the best, usually edited or filtered versions of themselves. This can pull you down right because you are constantly comparing yourself, even if you know that it is not the reality. It’s just human.

What I also find totally problematic (especially from influencer view) is this pressure to always be “up to date” to always have to post something or want to improve your own appearance so that you get more likes, followers or attention in general. This makes many people (of course) insecure and leads to them not accepting themselves as they are – whether in appearance, success in general or in the job.

And yes, the beauty operas you’re talking about are a big topic for us women. Many people feel so under pressure on social media that they think they need to change to fit into this perfect picture that all pretend. In men it is often this constant “I have the better lifestyle” or “see how successful I am”. It’s only about the pose and the spelling – it can really piss you off.

I think it’s good that you take this step: walk from this constant comparison and to more real life where you accept as you are. Social media can quickly become toxic and sometimes it is really better to just take distance. To pull this through (whether you write that?) also requires a lot of strength and discipline.


5 months ago

Good decision! Also., Insta, Snap, Facebook etc everything deleted.

Only Youtube and the Reels make me trouble.

Social media can influence negatively in various ways, especially by the way content is designed. Here are some other negative aspects that are often criticised:

  1. Reference pressure: Many people tend to constantly compare with others, which leads to a feeling of dissatisfaction with their own lives. Since on social media mostly only the best pages of life are shown, your own life can be less attractive compared to it.
  2. Unrealistic beauty standards: As you have already mentioned, social media often strengthens unnatural beauty ideals, e.g. by beauty operations or filters. This can lead to a distorted self-image and even physical and psychological pressure, especially for young people.
  3. Search potential: Platforms such as Instagram are designed to allow users to spend as much time as possible. Permanent notifications, likes and comments create a dopamine chat that can make addiction.
  4. Time spent: Social Media often takes a lot of time to use more productively. The endless river of Reels and Posts leads to scrolling more and more without bringing a real benefit.
  5. Distorted reality: Many content on social media is staged and do not reflect reality. This makes it difficult to distinguish between real and artificial lifestyles.
  6. Fear of missing something (FOMO): Through constant updates and new posts, you often get the feeling that you miss something if you don’t regularly look in. This can lead to stress and restlessness.
  7. Mental pressure through success illustrations: Especially men, as you mentioned, often try to present their success or status. This constant competition for recognition and success can be mentally burdensome and lead to uncertainties.

It sounds like your decision to delete social media, a good decision for your mental health.

5 months ago

The problem is the human or content.
Let’s take a look at docuss all day and information videos and in between bite motivation videos.

I don’t think the person would feel negatively influenced by that.

No one does. The problem is the social media only shows beautiful sides and great moments (mostly at least) that this is not the reality but still we always take something of what affects us whether we want or not.

5 months ago

Social media does not affect you negative per se but it can quite trigger complexes e.g.

There are countless scientific elaborations on the topic on Youtube in the English-speaking area, sometimes more times less detailed depending on how exactly you want to have worked up or how. as strongly combined.

Instagram reels, Tik Tok or Youtube shorts is definitely absolute cheese. This is in most cases far too short to really provide a nutritional value, addictive and actually just there for you to tie up like a degenerated on the phone screen. In any case, it’s not a shame to avoid that.

5 months ago

Social Media is neither positive nor negative, as well as everything else in the world.

It depends on how we react to whether it is positive or negative for us.

Thus, it can have a negative influence because it is decided to have a negative influence. Just like with all the other things. This is a process of consciousness and I don’t think it’s useful to delete social media simply because this attitude is still unresolved in one and you can see this negative influence then somewhere else. It does not solve the problem, but shifts it somewhere else.