Why did the Germans stop building Tiger tanks after World War II?

Because they would still be fantastic on the battlefield in the 1950s. And even if they were outdated, there would already have been viable successors on paper, like the E75.

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2 years ago

A technically outdated and damage-prone, too slow, unfavorable, undermotorized vehicle with a cannon which is too weak after the 2nd WK should have been built? Never ever.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helrian

His armoring was already too weak and extremely unfavourable at that time.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helrian

You should have done that with the panther, and the French did that. But why would Germany urgently need a tank after 1945?

2 years ago

Although the French did not reconstruct the Panther, they used it further and developed its cannon and used it in the AMX-13.

2 years ago

The Bundeswehr was founded in 1955. 8 years later, Leopard 1 was hired.

There the sogennate tiger was already out of date, except that he was too heavy and underengined anyway. The E75 was unauthorized.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helrian

Too hard and too slow. The concept of heavy tanks was buried quite quickly.

It is far more sensible to have tanks that have a greater speed and range, can drive over bridges and be transported by trains. To this end, of course, there is a loss, a tank that gets stuck.

2 years ago

They were too heavy….

Go to wheel loads.

Fully loaded with 32T

Chain armor so at 60T

Because of load distribution

Small vehicles Mraps somewhere at around 20T maximum

2 years ago

Because it was forbidden to them and all armaments were destroyed.

There was also scarcity in everything.

What kind of idea do you have from Germany 1945 to 49?

That was a poor country in ruins whose status as a nation was questionable.

The Russians wanted to degrade us to an agricultural state.

Only the marshal plan saved us and then our own diligence.

2 years ago

Because they were not grandios on the battlefield, too slow, too heavy, too impractical, too susceptible, too much effort etc.

Even other armies have slowed down heavy panzers, the tiger would be just too old and that Germany did not even have the factories for it was the next why one put on foreign panzer first.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helrian

Jup is he, and just like other heavy pancers, was no longer used for a very long time or much less

1 year ago

For example, there were no German army from 45-55!