Warum argumentieren Lehrer damit, dass Schüler angeblich nicht selbstständig werden würden, wenn Eltern sie mit dem Auto zur Schule bringen und auch abholen?

Das sind zwei völlig verschiedene Dinge.

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3 months ago

The problem with the parental practice is often more in the area that the traffic situation in front of the school can become dangerous especially for the children and there are accidents and constrictions – that doesn’t have to be, there are too many cars on a spot and too many people are inattentive.

Otherwise, it is actually also likely to be a child to walk home if it does not rain in streams, if you have no gypsum foot and if it goes any way. I’ve only been driven in exceptional cases. You may become more self-employed if you plan the route, have to look at the traffic situation, have time in mind and have to know how to get to school the safest and fastest at the same time. This can help, however, the A and O is not, more a “brot” to gain self-employment.

Other topic: Teachers often have to complain about everything anyway, you must not underestimate it, and often think they know everything better, even if you have no own children and are still very young (then they are all the worse). Some of them go out with the arguments, then the “Jägerlatein” begins.

3 months ago

There are actually two different things.

Did you notice that no one has a problem with teacher practice? Or employee practice? It’s just a double standard. In winter, the adults/teachers want to come to school themselves dry and warm, but the children are to walk/bike. Because “man” does that.

3 months ago

No, it’s not two completely different things. Dissolved from parents to deny the school path belongs to becoming self-employed. Or do you bring your child to work later?

3 months ago
Reply to  Eclair89

My colleague is also driving his wife to work daily as they have the same way of working. She’ll be very immortal.

3 months ago
Reply to  October2011

That’s nice when you make it a couple. I’m talking about parents/child relationship. Maybe first think before you write something….

3 months ago

Says those who compare two adults who are a couple with parent/child.

3 months ago

Would you like to start thinking yourself?

3 months ago

Yeah, actually.

I think it is the bitterness and the fundamental misfortune of many teachers who lead to such statements

3 months ago

Because the school path belongs to it. The children are to learn to handle this independently.

In addition, parental practice threatens the other students. ADAC, police and ministries do not call for free use of parental practice. In the meantime, even blocking zones are set up.

3 months ago

This isn’t because they’re running their phone against the next traffic lights.

Do you even know the way to school?

3 months ago

No, it’s not. You can also put yourself in the bus, train or anything else and take the school path on your own. This is part of growing up. Responsibility and independence.

3 months ago

The school path is traditionally the moment when children are not under the supervision of adults – because children decide alone and without the need to meet the expectations of adults present.

The parental practice for the children who can continue to be dangerous to foot is now known – in some cases you can hardly enter the school grounds without constantly having to avoid the SUVs.

3 months ago

It’s much healthier to run than to be driven. In addition, parents’ taxis block the street where the school is located.