Warum arbeitet mein Kollege jeden Tag als Selbstständiger?

Er ist selbstständig in der Altenpflege unzwar arbeitet er als Gesellschafter in einem Unternehmen was nicht ihm gehört. Er ist sein eigener Chef er hat kein Tag frei und kein Urlaub und er muss jeden Tag arbeiten ist das normal? Er meinte wenn man nur Mitarbeiter hat dann hat man seine Freiheit was denkt ihr dazu? Dafür verdient er sehr sehr gutes Geld mehr als der Durchschnittlicher Angestellter

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1 year ago

No – it doesn’t have to be normal. He looks normal. And there are a bunch of people who are independent and work for many hours. They just have to make money to cover their costs. A self-employment should be well superior.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Because if I’m self-employed, I can only determine when I have a holiday, when I start in the morning and when I want to have dinner. If you don’t get it, I’ll get you something wrong.

1 year ago

He works as a shareholder in a company that doesn’t belong to him.

Then he is owner/partner.

As he shares his working time, his decision alone is.

1 year ago

Probably because he wants to make more money through more work. It can also be that he wants to make the company more present and advance. In addition, it is very difficult to find even employees who could lose their jobs.

1 year ago
Reply to  Darkamber

Do you think a nursing company has an infinite number of employees nowadays?

1 year ago

Then please seriously consider the subject of shortage of skilled workers. You’re happy about every worker who puts in a special layer.

1 year ago

Someone has completely underestimated the issue of self-employment in care. Is his decision, he could change it. Primarily work on better conditions, because who is self-employed does not have any AG who pays him health insurance. This must be calculated with a corresponding salary, which he must have missed.

1 year ago
Reply to  Darkamber

he has no day off and no holiday and he has to work every day

Then he clearly makes something wrong. Under the harsh conditions of care, this is even more negligent to deal with his body.