Warum abgenommen?

Ich bin recht dünn und freue mich über jedes zusätzliche Kilo aber ich hab in den letzen zwei Wochen 2kg abgenommen obwohl ich genauso viel esse wie vorher

Woran kann das liegen und wie bekomm ich sie zurück… ich will nicht noch weiter abnehmen

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2 years ago

I’m just as much as you are! – I’ve taken 4kg out of sight in the last half year, and I’ve been quite worried about my pediatrician. – At least I know now that I’m healthy on the basis of all the results of the investigation. – My doctor thinks that the psychological stress caused by a death in my family is the cause of weight loss!

2 years ago

Eat more. Maybe you moved more. Or just eat less. You can’t say that without tracking.

kami1a, UserMod Light
2 years ago

Hello! If you really want to judge this, you need information like gender, age, weight and size

But you just need more calories

I wish you a good, healthy and successful year 2023

2 years ago

If someone is quite thin, I doubt that the person can judge what much food means. It depends on the calorie balance that does not fit.
Fact is, you need to increase your calorie intake.

2 years ago

You eat too little.