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I think that depends on the costing of the airline. Is cheaper to wait and thereby miss the slot in the start order or is cheaper to let the baggage people come back and find the suitcase out? Was the flight perhaps overbooked anyway and the missing passenger has no luggage? Is it an official connecting flight?
Each aircraft is assigned a slot (time window) when it is allowed to lift/must.
If the slot is missed, a new departure permit must be obtained. It costs time and money.
First of all, it is denounced whether the missing passengers are possibly on a delayed delivery flight. In this case you often wait a little.
Then it is denounced whether the loaded baggage of the missing persons is already on board. For Gepaeck must not be foerdered without passengers.
In the case of a few treacherous passengers with own debt, the captain certainly does not risk the slot being missed. Then we’ll flew without them.
For very heavy guests, the departure of the bridge will be delayed as far as possible and the guests will be called out x times, but Boarding 11 a.m., departure 11:30 a.m. will not be 11:35.
If the pilot has run and the guests are taken by bus, nix is waiting at the gate…
Passengers aren’t waiting long. I experienced decades ago that I was called up in the airport building of Singapore.
You may have a few minutes of patience with pilots. Once a taxi driver told me how his drunk passenger rushed to the airport. Departure in five minutes. “You can’t reach the plane anymore. They’re not waiting for you!” – “But they’re waiting for me, I’m the pilot, fuck!”
No, and even if you arrive at the gate for seconds after closing the door, your suitcase will be loaded (which took about 15 minutes) than leaving you in the plane.
At least a few minutes.
I would say that I have had enough experience with the estimated 300 flights with about 20 different airlines in the last 10 years alone to say that there were also some minutes waiting for missing passengers.
Come on to the plane. Not a passenger machine. A private jet already.
Only if it’s liked
Thanks for laughing….